Tummy Tuck Surgery – Types, Cost, Recovery and Risks


Tummy tuck – medically known as abdominoplasty – is the surgical procedure that involves removal of excess sagging skin, eradication of fat deposits and tightening of abdominal muscles. It is a proven surgical procedure that can be customized according to individual needs of patients. There are several types of tummy tuck surgery and each is designed to target the specific issues of patients. Here we will discuss some important factors associated with surgery including its types, recovery, risks and cost.

Types of tummy tuck surgery

There are several types of tummy tuck surgery and plastic surgeon helps the patient choose the best suitable one depending on his or her requirements and goals. These types are discussed below.

Traditional tummy tuck

It is the most commonly performed type of abdominoplasty. It involves longer incision and requires more time for recovery. Two incisions are made for performing this surgery – first incision is a long horizontal incision made hip to hip while the other one is made in the navel area. It addresses the entire abdomen of the patient and also involves the creation of a new belly button. It involves removal of excess sagging skin, fat and tightening of abdominal muscles. Traditional tummy tuck is often performed in combination with liposuction.

Mini tummy tuck

This procedure is also known as partial abdominoplasty and is designed for those patients who want alterations on lower abdomen only. In this procedure, a small incision is made for removal of skin and fat and does not involve creation of new navel. The outcomes of partial abdominoplasty are less dramatic, but they require less time for recovery.

Endoscopic tummy tuck

This kind of abdominoplasty is suitable for those people who have little abdominal fat, weakened muscles and no lose or sagging skin. In this procedure, a tiny camera attached to a small tube that is inserted through extremely small incision is used for monitoring alterations. The procedure causes minimal scarring as it involves extremely small incisions.

Extended tummy tuck

This type of abdominoplasty also involves the removal of love handles besides removal of excess fat and skin on abdomen. A long hip to hip incision is made for making alterations but the scar caused by it will not be visible. Extended tummy tuck addresses larger area as compared to traditional abdominoplasty.

Recovery from tummy tucks surgery

As abdominoplasty is invasive surgical procedure, it involves extensive recovery and proper post-surgical care. Just after abdominoplasty, drainage tubes are placed under the skin and patient needs to empty them at least two or three times a day. After abdominoplasty, patients usually require taking rest for nearly two weeks. In the first few days of recovery period, patients need avoiding strenuous exercise and heavy tasks. However, slow walk speeds up the healing process. During recovery period, you should take care of your diet also. Plastic surgeons recommend patients keeping their heads elevated while sleeping for at least two weeks after surgery. Most of the surgeons also recommend their patients wearing compression garment to avoid swelling and speed up recovery. Topical and oral medications are also prescribed to minimize the pain and discomfort during recovery period.

Risks associated with tummy tuck surgery

Abdominoplasty – when performed by a well-trained and experienced plastic surgeon – does not cause any severe complications. Most of the patients get satisfied with its outcomes but as it is an invasive procedure, certain risks are associated with it. Below given are some common risks.

• Reaction to anesthesia – Mostly general anesthesia is used in abdominoplasty and it is more risky as compared to local anesthesia. It can cause unexpected reaction but a well-trained anesthesiologist can identify the possible problems.

• Blood clotting – Blood clotting is a natural phenomenon but if blood clots insides your vessels, it can affect circulation and cause complications.

• Infection – Patients of abdominoplasty are at risk of developing infections but if procedure is performed with sterilized equipments in hygienic environment, risk of infection is lowered. Wounds may also get infected if you don’t take proper care. Common signs of infection include fever, sweating, chills, puss around incision site and steady drainage.

You can avoid all severe complications associated with abdominoplasty by following your surgeon’s instructions. Some temporary side effects that are very common are also associated with surgery. These side effects include.

• Swelling

• Pain

• bruising

Cost of tummy tuck surgery

When it comes to the cost of abdominoplasty, it is difficult to determine the exact cost of surgery because it varies from patient to patient depending on many factors. Though only your doctor can tell you the exact cost of the procedure, some factors need your consideration while estimating the cost of surgery. They include surgeon’s fee, anesthesiologist’s fee, hospital facility charges and type of the procedure.


Source by S Muddassar Shah

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