Common Anxiety Symptoms – How to Stop Dizziness & Nausea


If you want to learn about some of the common anxiety symptoms, and how you can stop the dizziness and nausea associated with them, then this article was written for you. Specifically, we're going to look at some of the questions I'm frequently asked about this. By reading through these questions and answers, you will learn much more about anxiety and how to overcome it.

Question 1 – What are the common symptoms of anxiety?

While everyone may experience anxiety slightly differently, there are common themes which most people will experience. These are things like excessive sweating, a racing heart, trembling, shaking and dizziness.

You may also feel like you're not in control of the situation, which can lead to more anxiety, and result in the typical "hyperventilation" panic attack.

Question 2 – What are the causes of anxiety and panic attacks?

Some studies have shown that the cause may be heredity – meaning it's passed on from your parents. But this does not mean you can not overcome the problem and live a life of reduced anxiety. Other theories state that the cause can be biological, usually a lack of vitamin B.

One of the most common ways people "develop" anxiety is through negative self talk and anticipative thinking. By thinking the worst is going to happen, you can create a self-fulfilling prophecy which makes it happen.

Question 3 – What are the best solutions and treatments for anxiety?

CBT is often used by therapists and it has proven to be useful for many people. It helps you to analyze your thoughts and see how you're creating your anxiety. Drugs are often prescribed to make it easier to get a handle on anxiety, too.

Learning to change how you "talk" to yourself in your own mind can play a key role in changing your thoughts and beliefs, and quite overcoming anxieties for good.


Source by Amanda Brandel

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