Essential Things About Insomnia and the Dangers We Are Exposing


Probably everyone has had at least once in his life a heavy night of sleep in which he couldn’t sleep.

A storm or a too late and very consistent dinner are just two examples which can cause sleep problems.

From a medical point of view, insomnia is the difficulty of falling asleep when it takes more than 45 minutes to fall asleep.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that manifests by reducing the duration and depth. May be caused by painful abdominal crises, neuralgia, hypertension, neurosis, psychosis, encephalitis, intoxication, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, emotional crisis etc.

There are two types of insomnia:

– chronic insomnia: that lasts for several weeks, months or years;

– transient insomnia: it only lasts for several nights and is caused by an unpleasant event that produces dissatisfaction or frustration.

Complete persistent insomnia is characterized by a permanent fatigue; the patient almost can not fall asleep, and in the morning he is in a state of depression. It can be avoided by following a reasonable work and rest regime and by administering painkillers or sleeping pills.

Sleep is indispensable to life, just like water and food. That’s why, in the last 25 years, scientists have given the phenomenon a special attention, which has brought to the discovery of many interesting things.

We need sleep to grow, restore and work to optimal parameters. Memory and vigilance depend on the quality of sleep, as well the ability to concentrate and learn, therefore, while sleeping our brain is re-energizing, cells are regenerate.

Also lack of sleep can cause an increase in weight by about 900 grams per week because we are disturbed by hormonal balance and we will feel the need to eat more often.

REM sleep in which we have dreams, occurs in gust, about 90 minutes after falling asleep, usually summing up about 2 hours per night. Some scientists believe that dreams help us to set memories in memory in the long run. Others, on the contrary, think that dreams help us eliminate some memories that are over that overlap and which otherwise would block brain activity.

REM sleep can play an important role in brain development. Premature babies sleep is 75% of the REM phase, this means 10% more than in the case of term babies.

The massive 1989 oil spill of Exxon Valdez, in Alaska, the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster, or the Cernobîl nuclear accident – all of which were attributed to human errors in which lack of sleep played a fundamental role. Also, fatigue caused by poor sleep causes 1 in 6 fatal road accidents.


Source by Wyliam Smith

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