Opening The Third Eye And Other Chakras


Working on chakras to clear, balance, or open them is not a permanent solution to problems in life, spiritual life, and health. Let's say a practiceer opens, clears, and balances your chakras. You temporarily feel better (maybe.)

You've probably wondered why energy work and other modalities that someone does "on you" or "for you" do not last, and why there seems to be an endless need for more clearing. Here's the first reason: when you continue vibrating, thinking, and feeling the same way, the chakras and other energy systems simply reflect that and return to their previous distorted configurations. You are generating it! It can not be "fixed" for you.

The third eye and other chakras respond to a change in your vibration when you actually learn how to lift and maintain your vibration yourself, moment to moment. Like flowers in the sun, chakras open and balance naturally in response to your higher vibration.

People sometimes want to open a certain chakra, because some chakras have more flashy-sounding functions than others. But they work in concert, and with a path that works, you naturally open them all in a balanced way over time, leaving the mechanisms to The Presence. Let The Divine do the heavy lifting. The Divine certainly knows how to do it.

Somehow most spiritual paths got converted into a set of beliefs that there's something wrong with you. That you must conquer your evil ego, or your worldly appetites, or go on some lifelong, never-ending quest to purify, heal, or fix yourself. You try emotional healing, healing your inner child, and maybe it helps a little, maybe you're still doing it after twenty years! It is useless, because it's based on a false promise. You can not do the wrong thing long enough or hard enough to make it work. If your car is out of gas, you can not put enough gas in your lawnmower to make your car start. You can not berate employees enough to make them happy to work for you.

There is no mystery why that never leads to enlightenment nor happiness: when you focus on what is wrong, you get much, much more of what is wrong. The Universe obliges you, saying, "You want wrong or broken things to fix? Alright …. here's more."

A path that works will get you off the hamster wheel of seeking, fixing, clearing, healing sessions – to finally get where we wanted to be, and to enjoy a consistently unfolding, rapidly evolving life of higher and higher consciousness. Notice that constantly unfolding and rapidly evolving are not focused on "fixing or healing" anything! This new paradigm is focused on living a life tapped directly into The Presence, and enjoying the never-ending pleasant surprises it brings.

Third eye opening, seeing with the inner eye, kundalini rising, direct guidance, direct knowing, and all those things do happen with a path that truly works; but you do not have to work on all those mechanical aspects – it just happens, quite spontaneously, as your vibration lifts overall.

Life will not be absolutely perfect, you'll still have challenges, but suffering and struggling ends. You'll live more of the time as your unlimited Large Self that is mostly Non-Physical, so with that as your foundation, you'll enjoy those challenges like you enjoy skiing or other challenging endeavors that stretch, revitalize, and energize you.

In this new reality as your Large Self, the old problems and issues simply are not there. This is hard to imagine from the old reality, and you might have to expand your pipes to let this much goodness and ease in, but a path that works helps you do that. One can only perceive the reality one is currently in – but all this and more can and does happen.

What is there beyond spiritual healing and spiritual seeking?

Joy. Being awake. Consciously creating.

Spiritual healing was never what was needed for emotional and mental freedom in your life. Did you begin to queston how all that energy work, therapy sessions, complicated modalities, chakra work, and endless processing was working out for you? A path that works, wakes you up, and it's as if your eyes are opened to another reality that was right here all along, parallel to this dimension.

Once you experientially (not just theoretically) feel and know who you are and live as your Larger, more expanded Self – life gets easier – your Larger Self simply does not have all those issues. Until you really find your power within there's a ceiling on your enlightenment.

Once true awakening begins (not just seeking it) life just starts clearing up, just as the sun comes out after a rainy day. The sun was always right there – the clouds and rain did not need healing. A small effort is required to learn to use your mind and Free Will effectively to stay out of the way and not cloud things up again. Real living begins, and seeking and working on yourself ends.

You can stop seeking spiritual healing, and "be there". You do not have to wait for or be be worried about the end of 2012 – the power always has been and always will be NOW. You can get off the treadmill of endless issue-by-processing processing, fasting, special diets, cleansing, spiritual healing, and working on yourself.

You can live for the joy, creativity, contribution and discovery of life rather than fix yourself or others, solve problems, or get somewhere.


Source by Lola S Jones

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