What is the Best Way to Get Abs? Knowledge and Dedication


Your intelligent enough to know that having a nice looking six pack is usually the thing the person of the opposite sex notices first. Because of this, it is no surprise that many people are out there asking the question "What is the best way to get abs?"

You know what makes me laugh? Very few Americans actually have a six pack but almost every single American wants one. How can this be? Are we really that lazy? I do not think so. I believe the main reason is because of a lack of knowledge. I am going to be teaching you how to get a six pack quickly and easily

What if you had a six pack in one month from now? Think about that. In exactly four weeks from today you could be walking around with a nice looking stomach. If you follow the advice I am about to give you then that will be you. The two most important factors regarding how to get a six pack are knowledge and dedication

Knowledge-I am sure you have heard it said that in order to get a six pack all you have to do is a few hundred crunches every day. I am here to tell you that one of the biggest lies you can believe. Crunches really do not do much for your abs because they do not take your abs through the full range of motion. All they do is contract your abs and allow blood to get into the muscles causing a burn. If you want to get a ripped abdominal section you need to take your abs through their full range of motion. This includes full sit ups, mason twists, hanging leg raises, and reverses crunches.

Dedication-The beautiful thing about your abs is that they respond to working out quickly and if they are worked out properly they will become more defined in a short amount of time. But this will not happen if you are not following the right program and if you do not dedicate yourself. You can have to best program in the world but if you skip workouts because you simply do not feel like working out then you can not expect to ever achieve your goals. You need to work out even when you do not feel like it. You will be glad you did in a month from now.


Source by Bryan Roburge

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