10 Tips to Reduce Stomach Fat

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There are plenty of people who want to reduce stomach fat. While “six pack” abs are certainly the fashionable look right now, not that many actually have them. Of course, that doesn’t stop most of us from trying to obtain them, does it? Here is a list of 10 tips to keep in mind as you work to get rid of belly fat:

1. Short of surgery, there is no simple process to quickly remove the fat. Reducing it requires time, patience and work.

2. When you exercise, make sure your movements are smooth and controlled.

3. Do your best to not arch your back during your abdominal workout. Arching your back can strain the muscles in your lower back and increase the length of time it will take to lose the fat.

4. Lots of people think that, in order for exercise to be effective, exercise must be done until the person feels out of breath and physically tapped. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Exercise until it feels uncomfortable and then cool down. As time goes on, you’ll find that the time it takes to feel winded or uncomfortable gets longer and longer.

5. Sit ups, when not paired with a full body workout do not actually flatten your stomach. In fact, unless you are working your entire abdominal region (and the rest of your body), sit ups will tone your abdominal muscles, making them more pronounced behind the layer of fat–making your stomach fat even more obvious!

6. Do some crunches when you would normally be lying around and doing something passive (like watching television or listening to music). Crunches are one of the best exercises you can do to work your abdominal muscle area.

7. Keep your workout routine varied. The more you do an exercise, the more your muscles will become used to it and the less effect it will have on your muscle tone and it will make it harder for you to get into shape.

8. Make sure that you are eating a healthy diet. All of the exercise in the world won’t do you any good if you aren’t eating healthy as well. Healthy foods have fewer calories and are easier for your body to digest.

9. Stay away from saturated fats and foods containing high fructose corn syrup. Saturated fat and high fructose corn syrup are two of the leading reasons why people have problems with belly fat in the first place.

10. Maintain proper posture. By sitting up straight you will be able to reduce the appearance of your stomach fat. Proper posture will also help you when you work out and you’ll find that you have less muscle aches!

These are just ten short tips to help you reduce stomach fat on your body. Remember that you need to work at all of your body’s fat to truly lose any weight or fat inches. If you only work on your stomach, your fat will simply relocate to some other area of your body!


Source by Peggy Edwards

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