12 Healthy Prostate Tips

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Nowadays prostate disorders growth is becoming a more and more serious problem for men’s health worldwide. Small prostate dysfunctions can cause more dangerous diseases and even prostate cancer. By the official statistics data, prostate diseases cases quantity has almost doubled for the last 20 years.

1. Minimize alcohol consumption – alcohol drinks neutralize both zinc and vitamin B6 (which works for zinc absorption).

2. Drink low fat level milk and eat lean meat dishes – some researchers believe that saturated fats from dairy products and meats are factors increasing the risk of prostate cancer development.

3. Eat more soy – clinical studies demonstrate that the increasing estrogen-to-testosterone ratio as a result of aging is one of the key factors that impacts badly on the size of prostate gland. At least 2 ounces of soy per day will decrease estrogen levels in your organism and reestablish optimal balance of the estrogen-to testosterone ratio that is getting imbalanced at men age of 60 and older. Rich of soy foods are: soy flour or powder, miso, tempeh, roasted soy nuts and tofu (soybean curd).

4. Improve your circulation – use Kegel exercise workouts to improve a better blood flow for your prostate and urogenital organs. To perform the Kegel workout pull up all your muscles around scrotum and anus, keep them strained and then release. 10 exercises by 5-6 workouts per day will maximize the blood flow to your prostate gland tissue.

5. Follow healthy diet. Eat more fruits, berries and vegetables to provide your body with needed natural antioxidants and vitamins. Exclude from your diet saturated fats, sugars and cooked foods. Meals containing high levels of fat like meats or dairy products can raise testosterone levels that can cause enlargement of prostate gland and abnormal cells growth. Consume different vegetables, especially like cabbage, brussels sprouts, sauerkraut, broccoli and coleslaw. Consuming just 3 servings of vegetables per day can lower the prostate cancer risk by up to 45%!

6. Increase Selenium consumption. Selenium is highly needed to keep your prostate healthy. The foods containing good levels of Selenium are: eggs, cashews, brazil nuts, garlic, kelp, wheat germ, tuna, herring and other shellfish and seafood, cashews, onions and mushrooms, sesame and sunflower seeds, beef liver and kidney.

7. Have two or more meals with oily fish weekly, such as wild salmon (do not consume farmed salmon which is being fed with artificial feed).

8. Increase Zinc intake. Zinc consumption in amount of 15 mg per day helps for proper and healthy prostate functionality. Excellent Zinc sources are pumpkin seed in shell, oysters, nuts and beans.

9. Two portions of tomato sauce per week reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Cooked tomatoes break down their cell walls, allowing your organism to absorb antioxidant lycopene from tomatoes, which is very important for your body.

10. Use nutritional supplementation. Consume a quality multivitamin supplement containing the next microelements and vitamins to keep your prostate healthy: Vitamin A (25,000 IU), Lycopene (10 mg), and Vitamin E (1,200 IU).

11. Respect healthy lifestyle. Provide your body with sufficient amount of rest and regular physical activities. Regular exercising has been proven to ensure improvement of immune and digestive systems, body circulation and cleansing of body toxins and waste. These activities also act for prevention of obesity, as an obesity is considered as one of bad factors increasing risk of cancer and other diseases. Systematic exercising can also reduce the risk of prostate gland getting enlarged.

12. Reverse body damages. Following a stressful lifestyle for years causes many damages to your body. To help stop and reverse these harmful processes use Ayurstate – proven ayurvedic herbal supplement for prostate health. Ayurstate contains more than 2 hundreds of natural ayurvedic phytonutrients that act on molecular level to restore and heal damaged body tissues, provide rejuvenation of your prostate gland, decrease levels of prostaglandin and polyamines. This herbal remedy also effectively stimulates your urogenital system’s smooth muscles and reduces uretra and prostate gland inflammation. Developed basing on ancient Ayurveda medicine principles, Ayurstate causes no clinically known side effects and treats not only just symptoms, but deep inner causes of prostate disorders.


Source by Alex Vic

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