3 Tips You Should Follow When Feeding Your Pet Rat

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Feeding your pet rat can be easy, convenient, and fun. But if you do not know the right way too feed it, the process can be time consuming, expensive, and unhealthy for your pet. This article will provide you with three essential tips you should follow, when feeding your pet.

First, you want to be sure that you provide your pet with a diet catered specifically to rats. This may seem like common since but far too many people fail to follow this advice. While a nutritional mix can be very good for your little guys if done correctly, it can be unhealthy not done the right way. Also, your rat will most likely pick and choose what it decides to eat, and will often not eat everything in the mix. This will cause it to miss out on some important nutrients it may need. An ideal and convenient diet would consist of lab pellets. Be sure to provide pellets per day. Make sure your pellets are made specifically for rats, as hamster, gerbil or other rodent pellets are not a good substitute.

Second, you will want to know what fresh foods you can feed your rat. As a supplement, your rat can benefit from a wide variety of fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables. They can give the rat a wide assortment of the vitamins and minerals they need. Remember, to keep in mind your pets size when feeding at, as too much vegetables-especially greens can cause diarrhea. Also make sure that it as an amount that you know your little critter will eat in one day. These animals, by instinct like to store away what they do no eat and do no understand that food spoils. So, your pet may eat food that has gone bad, which may cause them to get sick. Some good options for food include apples, grapes, bananas, strawberries, broccoli, peas, carrots, some very lean cooked meats, meal worms, yogurt, and brown rice. Your rat may also enjoy a special treat now and then, but make sure its healthy. Treats such as popcorn, a peanut, an almond, a small piece of pretzel, dried fruit, a dab of peanut butter or a kibble of dog or cat food are great treats for your pet.

Third, you will want to know what foods not to feed your rat. There are lots of foods and treasures you can give to your special critter, but you want to make sure that they are not foods that will hurt it. Foods that are high in fat and sugar can be harmful for your rat. So, avoid any table scraps that are high in fat or sugar. Foods such as chocolate, raw beans, green potatoes, cabbage, brussell sprouts, carbonated drinks, caffeine beverages, or even store bought treats can be very harmful to your pet. Also, feeding your pet too much or too little can be harmful to your pet. Make sure to watch its wait and make sure that it is not overweight or underweight. Consult your vet for a full list of foods that your pet can not consume.

Remember to be sure to have fun when feeding your pet. Watching you little friends eat is a fun and enjoyable adventure in itself. Also, be sure that your has sufficient space to store any food it may not east- as long as it is not fresh food. Your rat will want to store away any pellets it does not eat in a house, so be sure that your rat has a sufficient cage space and a house to store its goodies in.


Source by Phillip W Wilson

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