4 Natural Eastern Medicine Acne Treatments

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Why don’t we leave the western world and travel a bit to find another type of remedy for your acne. Eastern cures for acne have been developed over thousands of years, so they’ve had a lot of time to work out the kinks. Western medicine is highly developed in the sense that our treatments are technologically advanced. Some Eastern approaches believe that the ancient remedy works, it just needs to be naturally worked on. There’s more than a few.

  1. Acupuncture Acne is believed to be partly caused by the incorrect flow of energy throughout the body. By correcting the flow of energy, you correct the symptoms. The acupuncture treatment is not painful and some doctors claim you will see results in as little as one day. The process will be an in depth conversation about your symptoms so they can get a very good reading on you as a unique individual.
  2. Ancient Herbal Medicines – It is difficult to come up with an all in one cure for acne using herbs, because when you go see an Eastern medicine practitioner, they will concoct an herbal remedy that is completely unique to your acne problem and condition.
  3. Modern Herbal Medicines – Some eastern practitioners have taken their products to the market with great success. Based in an ancient remedy, the more popular of herbal medications is Dr. Shen’s Complexion Pills. These medicines are known for their lack of side effects that most Western medications have, this one included. It is are based on the knowledge that acne comes from heat and dampness in the body. Stress and hormonal activity would be examples of heat whereas excessive sebum or weak digestion causing water to accumulate are examples of dampness. You can see, with the advent of modern Western science, they were pretty on the nose when it came to acne problems. It just might be worth a try.
  4. Eastern Foods – Eastern thought believes that a dietary imbalance can affect your qi and your digestion, causing problems like acne. An excessively stimulating diet will produce inflammatory skin conditions. It is easy to think what foods may be considered stimulating. Those high in sugar, hot foods, excessively greasy foods, etc. To combat this there are calming foods that you can add to your diet to promote better energy and proper digestion. These include banana, abalone, crab, cucumber, duck, lettuce, mango and melon. There are many foods that are considered calming and many western and eastern practitioners agree that these types of foods will promote the healing of acne.

As you can see, there is something to be said for Eastern medicine. If you have tried everything that you can in the Western world, there are still options open to you. You are a unique being, and you need a treatment that is unique to your own conditions. By utilizing Eastern medicine to help cure your acne, you may just find what you have been looking for.


Source by Ross E Cohen

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