4 Tips to Health and Youth

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There are four key factors that will either create health or illness in us. They are so simple, yet often ignored and forgotten. Let’s look at the first key factor.

1) Diet – Our diet nowadays rely heavily on processed foods which do not contribute to good health. If you eat like most people, you’ll most probably have too much animal products, fats and refined foods in your daily diet. Three things can happen to the foods that we take into our stomach:

a. They can be digested and assimilated as nutrients for our body use and growth;

b. They can ferment in our stomach as in the case of improper food-combining e.g. undigested sugars from eating fruits on a full stomach after meal; or

c. They can putrefy, or rot and decay also in the case of improper food-combining e.g. undigested proteins from eating chicken (protein) with potatoes (carbohydrates) in the same meal.

Fermentation and putrefaction are one of the exogenous toxins in our body that cause aging and

illness. Exogenous toxins are toxins taken from outside the body, not self-generated. Examples include all junk food, tobacco and alcohol, polluted air and water, putrefaction and fermentation in the stomach from improper food combining which usually happen in meat-eater, and drugs and medicines.

A plant-based natural whole food diet of fresh vegetables and fruits plus some nuts and seeds will give us the essential nutrients that our body need.

2) Exercise, sleep and rest – Find time to exercise on a regular basis and getting proper sleep and rest. Proper sleep and rest are as important as eating a healthy diet and exercising. A good night’s sleep helps to revive, rejuvenate and revitalize our body and brain, contributing to youthful appearance besides being energetic and in a good mood all day long.

Chronic sleep loss has been proven to contribute to all health problems. Therefore, get the right quantity and quality of sleep and don’t overlook its benefits. Sleep is not a luxury, it is one of the main pillars to health, a necessity!

3) Psychology – Engage in productive activity and constructive work; learn to control our own emotion and anger; and develop the interpersonal communication skills and social skills that are crucial for a successful life. Having positive thoughts are important as just like we are what we eat or digest, what we think is what we are as our thought process is a powerful form of energy. Most people do not believe in positive thoughts because they do not see value in them.

However, studies and other evidence have shown that by having positive thoughts all the time, our life will be positive and our day filled with optimism. If our thoughts are negative, it will not only weaken our body, mind and spirit but also affect our health. Another great thing about having positive thoughts is that it slows down aging, making us feeling and looking younger than most people of our age; and improves our health and well-being!

One of the ways to keep our thoughts constantly positive is to surround ourselves with constructive, positive and happy people as these people radiate energised and healthy aura from which we can benefit.

4. Environment – Get fresh air and pure water! Our own home might be a source of environmental pollution. Toxic chemical gases released from new furniture and new paints are some examples. Even cosmetics and personal care products such as shampoo and deodorants contain harmful chemicals in them. Avoid exposure to excess chemicals.

It’s only when we provide our body with all the necessary requirements of health, that they can perform the self-healing mechanisms at their best to restore and optimise health!


Source by Siew Yin Gark

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