5 Common Hamster Health Issue

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Hamsters are becoming popular pets in households because they are easy to take care and are very lively. However, like other domestic pets they also get sick and when they are sick it is important to have them checked by a veterinarian. It is also important that you recognize the common hamster health problems so you will know how to deal with them.

Below are the 5 common health issues that hamsters usually encounter.

1.) Allergies and skin diseases
Hamsters are like humans that also suffer from skin diseases when their hamster cage is dirty and unhygienic. Skin disease may be caused by inappropriate beddings like cedar or the infestation by mites and ringworms. Because they are small, hamsters are easily wounded by objects around them or when they rub their body against something rough. It is essential that you look at the body of your hamster from time to time to see if they got skin infection or abscesses resulting from bruises.

2.) Digestive Problems
Diarhhea and wet tail are the most common digestive problems that hamster suffer from. Digestive problems usually results from showers in food they eat, stress and infection. Diarrhea usually happens when there is a shift in the hamster's diet say for example if you give them a lot of vegetables in a day or too much fresh foods. Diarrhea may also occur if your hamster is undergoing treatment and taking medicines like penicillin. When your pet is suffering from diabetes then you should seek help from the veterinarian or stop giving fresh foods or any food to them that may have caused diarrhea.

Meanwhile, wet tail is a condition where bacteria are accumulated which results to moisture in the tail part of your pet. If you detect that your hamster is inactivity or sees down and that your pet has low appetite then you should right away check their tail part and bring them to the veterinary clinic as soon as you can. Wet tail may cause death to your hamster so make sure to send them immediately to a veterinarian. Wet tail can be transferred from hamster to hamster so it is best to check the bottom of a hamster before buying it. You must also observe other hamsters inside the pet store to see if they are not suffering from wet tail.

3.) Hair loss
Hamsters love to rub and this usually results to baldness in some parts of their body. Some hamsters also get aggressive at times and may chew the fur of other hamsters causing them hair loss. Hair loss can also be a symptom to an underlying disease such as adrenal tumor and kidney failure.

4.) Dental Problems
Hamsters are fond of chewing just about anything that they can grab and it is critical for them to have something to chew so as not to make their teeth grow long. If their teeth grow long it can affect their mouth area. Find a toy or "chewer" for them to chew to avoid experiencing dental problems.

5.) Respiratory Illness
Runny nose and eyes and diabetes are the common respiratory illnesses that hamsters suffer from. Like human body, the hamster's body must be able to produce enough insulin and if this does not happen it will lead to diabetes. Diabetes among hamsters can be observable when your pet hamster frequently urinates and is always thirsty. It is important to send your pet to the vet clinic for proper treatment of respiratory illnesses.

Like us humans, our pet hamsters also get ill and should be treated immediately especially if they are suffering from terrible illness like wet tail. Monitor your pet hamster's health and make sure to have them checked by animal experts as soon as you determine something different in their body and in their behavior.


Source by Howard Mullins

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