Antidepressants and Perimenopause: Why the Two Do not Mix

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Depression is one of the 66 symptoms associated with perimenopause. I would even venture to say it is one of the more common ones us peri gals suffer from. Approaching or entering middle age can cause many of us to dwell in regret and all the unresolved issues from our past. That, combined with our hormones going haywire, can lead to depression and anxiety.

We all know that antidepressants are the go-to drug for most doctors when treating a depressed patient. It's no exception if that woman is perimenopausal. And what a mistake that is. Antidepressants and perimenopause are rarely a good combination.

Why is that?

Because prescription drugs do not address the root cause of what's making a woman depressed.

Not all of us suffer from depression for the same reason. Some women are depressed because they suffer from a vitamin deficiency. B vitamins in particular have a powerful impact on a person's mood. Others experience depression simply because their hormones are off-balance.

Of course some women may be depressed because of life circumstances: deceased parents, an ailing child or a difficult job or marriage. Sure, antidepressants may help them get through those difficult times. But unless they take action to change their circumstances or heal their wounds, they will inadvertently move past the depression.

So you see, treating all of these women with the same one pill does not make a whole lot of sense. Trying to fix depression with medication while failing to root out the cause will never lead to real healing. That's why antidepressants often simply fail to work.

Now, I'm not telling you to toss your antidepressants down the drain. But I am telling you that you can live a joyful, healthy life if you choose, free of prescription medication. And you can do this even if you're battling the worst depression right now.

Finding the cause of your depression and treating it is not as hard as you might think. For some women, it really is as simple as adding a vitamin complex to their daily schedule. You would be surprised by how many people successfully treat their depression by doing this one simple thing. So if you feel that vitamin deficiency may be the cause of your low mood, try to find a good quality one to take.

A deficiency in any of the three main sex hormones, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, can also cause depression. Check with your doctor to test your levels and determine if a deficiency may be the reason for your low mood.

Fortunately, you do not have to resort to synthetic HRT to even out your hormones. Diet, exercise and certain supplements can be powerful ways to boost healthy hormone production and banish your blues away.

So you see, antidepressants and perimenopause are not always an inevitable combination. You have several options at your fingertips to treat your symptoms.


Source by Haley Robbins

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