Are You Living Your Dream?

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Living your dream is like reaching the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It takes planning, effort, a great idea, and a burning desire to bring it to fruition but its a great journey along the way.

How many people hate their jobs, careers or lives generally. I've never known so many suitors among the young. Farmers are another group who seem to be struggling at the moment – unsure what Brexit will mean to them! Worried sick if their crops fail or if epidemics hit their farms and wipe-out stock they have lovingly bred.

Everyone sees disillusioned and broke. Living hand to mouth. Latest on the news councils should feed children in the holidays as they are going hungry. Food banks are springing up in our towns to feed not only the homeless but working people who can not make ends meet.

All towns have homeless people sitting in shop doorways and cold wet corners. The council in Windsor was planning to remove the homeless from the streets because of visitors for the Royal wedding! My daughter recently visited from London and said the homeless problem is much, much greater there.

We are supposed to be a wealthy nation but with the above problem and the health service at breaking point something is going wrong!

Let us all begin the year with the belief we CAN do something, we can make changes, if only at this stage in our own lives. We can believe in ourselves and plan a better future. Gandhi , one man, without even a suit of clothes changed a nation's beliefs.

Let us become a nation of doers not wailers waiting for the government to fix our lives. Do we want a "nanny state"? We need enthusiasm, excitement, passion and belief in our-selves and our dreams to ignite the flame that keeps us driving for the things we believe in.

Stop running on a wheel like a hamster. We only have a relatively short time on earth, let's make it count and find a way to incorporate your dreams into your life.

Make plans – choose your future, YOU are the only one who can change YOUR life. Do not be a hamster make 2018 a great year. Feed your body with nourishing food and your mind with inspirational thoughts.

Here are some books you may like to read:

"Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins

"The power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr Joseph Murphy

"Ask for the Moon and Get it" by Percy Ross


Source by Anne O'Dwyer

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