If you are suffering financial problems, do not neglect your health. It's still important to exercise 3 times a week and watch what you eat. Many people when they get into debt will hide away from everything and "hole up" so they do not have to see anyone. This can have disastrous effects on your overall physical and mental health.
It does not cost a lot to eat healthy. If you go to the grocery store once a week, you can pick up fresh fruit and vegetables and plenty of things that are low in sodium and fat. Cut back on eating out, it may be tempting to pick something up quick, but that will definitely take a toll on your body in the long run.
Go for a long walk or a jog 3 times a week. If you are suffering from financial stress it will help get your mind off your problems and then let you refocus when you're done. Taking a break to exercise is well worth it – if you can find someone else to work out with that's a great motivator, especially in the winter when the weather is dreary.
Once you've made the decision to file for bankruptcy, it's time to start a new chapter in your life. With this new part of your life, it's time to focus on the future and change behaviors that got you into a mess in the first place. To have a positive outlook on life you need to make sure you are physically fit. Regular exercise and proper eating will get you feeling right about yourself, do not wait do the right thing today!
Source by Chad R Fisher