Best Ways to Prevent Pests

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Nobody likes having intruders and that is what pests are. If it is found that your home or office is the source of easy food and a safe shelter where they will not be bothered, pests will have no problem making your space their home.

Pests are not only unpleasant to look at (after all since when is a rat cute or cockroaches pretty to look at?), They can cause significant and costly damage to your home or office and can cause unsanitary conditions that give rise to potential health issues .

The ongoing battle of keeping pests out is nothing new. Unfortunately, many people do not take any pest control measures until after notice the damage or unsuccessful evidence of pests. Sometimes, by that point, it can be too late and the damage already done.

Like other potential problems that can quickly get out of hand if not addressed, pest control is more effective and cheaper the sooner and quicker you take preventive measures.

A reactive approach to pest control can easily result in more time and energy than expected or desired. It is also more expensive.

The reactionary approach to pest control also increases the reliance of unpleasant, sometimes expensive pest control chemicals and products. These products can have an unpleasant odor, cause serious injury and health problems if mishandled, accidentally ate or used in an area without adequate ventilation. When used outdoors, it can kill or damage plants or grass.

Preventative Pest Control Measures

When preventative pest control measures are taken, there is a less need for harsh pest treatment chemicals.

Pest love to hide in areas in and around the home or office buildings that do not get routine, regular maintenance and upkeep. Occasional, thorough cleanings are the foundation in pest prevention.

Beside keeping the inside and outside of the buildings clean, here are some easy, additional pest prevention measures you can take:

· Keep the attic, basements and crawl spaces dry and ventilated

· Seal up cracks and holes along the outside of the home including those around pipes, utility entry points, around door and window frames and those in the foundation where it meets the ground or bottom of the house.

· Properly store and dispose of trash in a way that it is securely contained and keep it away from the house or office building.

· Keep trees, bushhes and shrubbery well-trimmed and way from the building.

· Replace worn weather stripping around doors, windows and the foundation foundation.

· Repair any worn or rotted building components such as siding, stairs or roof shingles.

· Store fire wood away from the house and make sure it is off the ground.

· Clean up food crumbs off the counters, desks and on the floors. At home, do not eat in bed.

· Store all non-perishable food in a cool, dry place and keep it securely enclosed.

· Do not leave unused pet food sitting out and properly store any pet food that is not used.

If you are still concerned about your risk of bugs or rodents, you should contact a qualified, professional pest control team . They will be able to provide an assessment of your home or office and offer suggestions, advice and treatment if necessary.

Keeping your space clean, dry and well-ventilated, the landscaping well-maintained and secure storage of wood and trash away from the building are some easy and effective preventive pest control measures you can take. If you wait until you see pests, damage could already be done and you'll need to put in more time and costs into pest control than you would have liked.


Source by Andy Fish

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