Black Mold in the Attic – A Source of Serious Health Problems

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Here are the places where black mold in the attic thrives:

Walls – especially when these are constructed out of wood, an attic's walls can secretly harbor millions of harmful spores. Often, the homeowner can not even detect its presence because it may be hidden from view, proliferating under the wallpaper.

Ceilings – if you spot yellowing areas on the ceiling boards, chances are you've got some black mold growth underneath them. Even small holes on the roof can let through a large amount of moisture over time and it is this unaerated areas which are ideal for the growth of black mold in the attic.

Vents – since most insulation and exhaust systems inside a house are interconnected, it's highly likely that moist air coming from bathrooms may find its way up to the attic. When the humidity in the attic increases, so, too, does the likelihood of having black mold in the attic.

Insulation – If there are holes in the exterior of your home, the insulation can trap moisture in and promote the growth of black mold. When black mold is suspected to spread over your houses's insulation, it's best to hire the services of professionals as a lot of material needs to be stripped off to make sure that the mold is totally eliminated.

A good rule of thumb is to call in the experts when the mold growth spreads to more than 10 sq.ft. and if it's spreading over an area that would be difficult, if not impossible, for you to reach.

Keeping black mold out of your attic

When you're having a home constructed, make sure you plan the ventilation system carefully. An attic that is properly aerated is not likely to harbor black mold.

When buying an old house, on the other hand, ensure that you get to inspect the house or seek the help of an appraiser / inspector before making this big a purchase. Never understimate the destructive power of black mold – having to repair places with extensive black mold infestation may cost you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

You can clean away black mold in the attic by scrubbing the affected areas with soap and water, and making sure that they are thoroughly washed after to prevent regrowth. It's a good idea to repaint wood that has been tainted by Black Mold as there are certain paints in the market that prevent the growth of mold. But if the damage is severe, you may have to brace yourself for some major repair.

If you need to take out an entire wall panel contaminated with black mold, make sure you cover the area with plastic first to keep the mold from spreading all over the place. And of course, always keep your nose and hands covered when you're dealing with this harmful fungus.


Source by Gerard K. Lawson

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