Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamster and the Roborovski Dwarf Hamster

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Russian Dwarf Hamster is the term commonly associated with a few rodent species such as the Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster, Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamster, and the Roborovski Dwarf Hamster. Most of the time people think that the Russian Winter and Campbell's Russian are the same, considering their size (both species can grow up to 8 to 10 centimeters) and color. The Roborovski Hamster on the other hand is the smallest of the three, they usually only grow to about 4 or 5 centimeters long.

You seldom see the Winter White Dwarf Hamster in pet shops. If by chance you see them, they will be sold in pairs and be the same sex. They are very friendly creatures and you will love them for their camouflage ability. The Winter Whites were known to change their color in the wild from dark gray to white in order to protect themselves from predators in the snow. This ability is also owned by household pet Winter White Hamsters. However, they do not change their color to escape from their enemies but by the amount of natural sunlight that they receive every day. When they are exposed to the daylight for a shorter period of time, they will change their color to white. Take note that artificial light will not persuade them to change their color.

Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamster or the Djungaria Hamster is from a region in Djungaria, Mongolia. This Dwarf Hamster species can be found in almost all local pet shops. As they became popular, they were also bred using different and more creative ways. They come in several color combinations such as black or even shades of blue or lilac with marks or spots.

Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters originated in the desert dunes of Western and Eastern regions of Mongolia and some parts of Northern China. Even though they are smaller compared to their other relatives, they have longer legs. Physically you see them in a sandy brown color with a slate gray undercoat. Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters are not easy to handle because they are very small, so small in fact that they can squeeze themselves through the bars of a wire cage and escape. Despite this negative trait, they are exceptionally clean creatures due to the fact that they spend much of their time grooming or having a dust bath, so it is a good idea for you to provide them with a bowl of chinchilla sand to roll around in.

The three species of Russian Dwarf Hamster have different abilities and abilities but they all need the same quality of care from their owners. To prevent Dwarf Hamsters from escaping when you take them out of their cage, it is beneficial to let them have their daily exercise using a hamster ball. Hamster balls are designed so the hamster can run around the floor without getting lost. Please note: Ensure that your hamster is away from stairs because they can easily fall while playing in the ball, and possibly be killed.


Source by Francis Harris

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