Can Hamsters Drink Milk?

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Hamsters are adorable, tiny creatures that bring joy to many households. As a responsible pet owner, you want to ensure your hamster’s diet is both safe and nutritious. One common question that often arises is, “Can hamsters drink milk?” In this detailed guide, we will delve into this topic, providing you with insights, answers to frequently asked questions, and everything you need to know to keep your hamster healthy and happy.

Can Hamsters Drink Milk?

Can Hamsters Drink Milk?

Nutritional Content of Cow’s Milk (per 1 cup, whole milk):

  • Calories: Approximately 150 calories
  • Protein: About 8 grams
  • Fat: Around 8 grams
  • Carbohydrates: Roughly 12 grams
  • Calcium: Approximately 276 milligrams (about 28% of the recommended daily intake for adults)
  • Vitamin D: About 3 micrograms (around 15% of the recommended daily intake for adults)
  • Vitamin A: Approximately 112 micrograms (around 12% of the recommended daily intake for adults)
  • Potassium: About 322 milligrams
  • Phosphorus: Around 205 milligrams
  • Vitamin B12: About 1.2 micrograms (around 20% of the recommended daily intake for adults)

Please note that the nutritional content of milk can vary slightly depending on factors like fat content (whole milk, skim milk, etc.) and whether it’s fortified with additional vitamins and minerals. Also, some individuals may be lactose intolerant and have difficulty digesting the lactose (milk sugar) in milk, which can lead to digestive discomfort. In such cases, lactose-free milk or alternative milk options like almond milk or soy milk can be considered. These alternative milks have varying nutritional profiles, so it’s important to check the label for specific information based on the type of milk you choose.

Can Hamsters Drink Milk?

Can Hamsters Drink Milk?

Hamsters are known for their tiny paws, twitching whiskers, and insatiable curiosity. But can these cute little creatures enjoy a sip of milk? Let’s find out!

Contrary to the popular image of cats and kittens lapping up saucers of milk, hamsters should not be given regular cow’s milk. The primary reason is that most hamsters are lactose intolerant, which means their bodies have difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in milk.

Lactose intolerance is not unique to hamsters; it’s common in many mammals, including humans. In fact, after infancy, many humans also lose the ability to digest lactose. When hamsters consume lactose-rich milk, it can lead to digestive upset, including diarrhea, gas, and stomach cramps. Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid offering milk to your furry friend.

Can Hamsters Drink Milk?

Why Can’t Hamsters Drink Milk?

Hamsters, like most small rodents, have a digestive system that’s specialized for processing grains, seeds, and vegetables. Their bodies lack the necessary enzymes, such as lactase, to break down lactose effectively. When lactose remains undigested, it ferments in the gut, leading to discomfort and potential health issues.

Furthermore, cow’s milk is not an essential part of a hamster’s diet. These animals get their required nutrients from a balanced diet of hamster pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and clean water. Offering milk as a treat is unnecessary and potentially harmful.

Lactose-Free Alternatives

While regular cow’s milk is off the table, there are safe and nutritious alternatives you can consider if you want to give your hamster a creamy treat. Lactose-free options such as almond milk or soy milk can be provided in small amounts. Ensure that these alternatives do not contain added sugars or artificial flavorings. Always introduce new foods slowly to monitor your hamster’s reaction.

Hamsters are short tailed rodents, in their appearance and habits similar to house mousse. There are several species of hamsters and probably the most notable is Mesocricetus auratus or Golden hamster. Hamsters are one of the cutest and the most beloved pets all around the world.

The smallest species of hamsters weight only one hundred grams and are the size of just about 5.3 centimeters! Those furry little animals live solitary life except during mating time, but they are friendly and very dear.

Hamsters are sweet and small in bodies; they have adorable large and bright eyes and soft fur. Their fur can be different in color, depending on particular specie. Hamsters are active, playful nocturnal animals. They would sleep most of the day, so don’t interrupt them. Hamster will get used to you and your household very quickly and you’ll certainly make the cutest friend ever. Hamster does not require any special or complicated treatment, so it is a good choice for people who don’t have enough time for bigger pets.

Hamsters’ nutrition

Hamsters are generally easy to maintain and satisfy. Their diet is based on grains and the best option is to buy already made mix for hamsters, which you can find in any pet store. They prefer flax seed, beans and peas. The funny and interesting thing about hamsters is that they would store food in their cheek pockets. In the wild, this is the way of collecting food and transferring it to their hole and make supplies.

Grains mix is the base for your hamsters’s healthy diet. It should take up the most of the menu, which should be enriched with some other food and occasional treats. Fresh vegetable and fruit should be added once in a while, as well as nuts, boiled eggs or small portions of cooked meat. What about dairy products?

Can Hamsters Drink Milk?

Should you give your hamster milk?

Prevailing opinion on giving milk to hamsters is that it is good, but only in small amounts and not as frequent as the case should be with some other food. Milk works for hamsters the same way it does for us. It is good for their bones and development of skeleton, so it is particularly beneficial to young hamsters.

It can also be good for their teeth health and endurance. Since hamsters teeth are constantly growing, just as in other small rodents, milk will keep them strong.

Your hamster may not be interested in drinking milk and you need to know which product to choose and how to serve it. Milk is not necessary for your pet, but it can be beneficial in small amounts. It would most probably love whole milk, but you should avoid it, due to its large fat content. Skimmed milk should be fine if given plain.

Never feed your pet sweetened and chocolate milk or any other dairy product that contains sugar. Avoid flavored yogurt as well. Natural yogurt can also be good to treat stomach problems in hamsters, since it contains beneficial probiotic cultures.

So, you can safely feed your hamster plain dairy product once in a while, keeping to small portions.


In summary, hamsters should not be given regular cow’s milk due to their lactose intolerance. It’s essential to prioritize their digestive health by providing a balanced diet of hamster pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and clean water. If you want to treat your furry friend to something creamy, opt for lactose-free alternatives like almond or soy milk. Always monitor your hamster’s reaction to new foods and consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns about their health.

Your hamster relies on you for its well-being, so make informed choices to ensure a long, healthy, and happy life for your tiny companion.


Can baby hamsters drink milk?

Yes, baby hamsters, also known as pups, can drink their mother’s milk. Mother hamsters produce milk to nourish their young during their early weeks of life. After weaning, it’s essential to transition them to a lactose-free diet.

Can Syrian hamsters drink milk?

Syrian hamsters, like other hamster breeds, should not be given regular cow’s milk due to their lactose intolerance. Stick to lactose-free alternatives if you wish to offer them a milk-based treat.

Is goat’s milk safe for hamsters?

Goat’s milk, like cow’s milk, contains lactose and should be avoided. Stick to lactose-free options or focus on providing your hamster with their regular diet.

Can hamsters drink human baby formula?

It’s best to avoid feeding hamsters human baby formula. While it might be less harmful than regular cow’s milk, it’s still not an ideal choice for these tiny creatures. Stick to hamster-appropriate treats and foods.

How can I ensure my hamster gets enough calcium without milk?

Hamsters can obtain the necessary calcium from their diet. Ensure they have access to hamster pellets and fresh vegetables, which contain essential nutrients, including calcium. Consult your veterinarian for dietary recommendations if you have concerns about your hamster’s nutrition.

What are the signs of lactose intolerance in hamsters?

If you accidentally give your hamster milk and suspect lactose intolerance, watch for signs such as diarrhea, bloating, gas, or changes in behavior. If you notice any of these symptoms, discontinue the milk and monitor your pet’s condition. Consult your veterinarian if the symptoms persist.

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