It is estimated that at some point in their lives as many as 40% of adults will suffer from hemorrhoids (hemroids). Everybody has heard of them, but what exactly are they? More importantly, are there risk factors for developing hemorrhoids that can be avoided? If you get them, what are the best methods of hemorrhoid treatment?
Basically, hemorrhoids (also called piles) are an inflammation of the tissues around the rectal area. They can be internal or can develop externally and be visible as a lump (or lumps) around the anus. Some common symptoms include: itching, burning, or pain during bowel movements. Quite often, one of the telltale signs is blood on the toilet paper, which should be checked out by a doctor.
In all but the most extreme cases, hemorrhoids are not a major threat to one's well being, but they are very uncomfortable and can be embarrassing, too. It is possible to have a hemorrhoid thrombosed, which means that it has developed a blood clot, which can be quite painful. In other advanced stages they can be quite painful as well, so it is important to take care of the problem.
There are two primary causes of hemorrhoids and both are common lifestyle factors that are easily corrected. The first is diet-related. Hemorrhoids are most often associated with constipation which can cause excess friction in the rectum, leading to swelling and often bleeding. It is important for people suffering from hemorrhoids to drink plenty of water and eat more fiber, which is not very difficult to do. Eating more salads, for instance, is a great way to get more water and fiber in one shot. In addition, avoiding too many processed foods and sugars will help, as these tend to constipate people. The more regular and softer the bowel movements become, the better the hemorrhoids will become. Even if hemorrhoids are not an issue at all, a diet with more fiber and less junk food is generally a very good idea.
The second major contributing factor is a sedentary lifestyle. Basically sitting on your bottom all day puts constant pressure on the area and this can lead to the development of hemorrhoids. Be sure to get up and move periodically so that blood flow to the rectal area is increased, and the resulting improved circulation will help keep hemorrhoids at bay.
Treatment of hemorrhoids can take many different forms, some more effective than others. Creams and ointments are very commonly prescribed. They work by shrinking the swapping, relaxing the tissues, and helping to soothe the itching. They work fine as a temporary measure, but usually do little for long-term results.
Another treatment method is the use of suppositories that get closer to the problem of internal hemorrhoids. Their aim is also to reduce swapping, but also to provide some lubrication to keep from having the hemorrhoids rupturing. This is another method that is effective in the short-term for most people.
Some additional treatments for hemorrhoids include pills, cryotherapy, and / or surgery, all of which are expensive and may or may not fix the undering problem.
Recently, a new, all natural treatment has come to the market and based on the testimonials and evidence, it is an extremely effective hemorrhoid treatment. No surgery, creams, or pills – just all natural methods that get right to the root of the problem. It is a whole system to treat and prevent hemorrhoids that deserve more attention.
Source by Jayson Butler