Chinese Dwarf Hamster Information

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You will not find too many Chinese Dwarf Hamsters that are pets today. This is because the breeding is quite difficult and you can not own them in the majority of the United States. However, if you head to the northern parts of China and Mongolia you will find them running around in the deserts.

When you first see them they look more like a mouse as opposed to a hamster. If the truth be told they are actually part of the rat-like family of hamsters. You can tell just by looking at their long tails and bodies. If you are one of the lucky ones that owns a Chinese hamster you will notice they are around 10-12 centimeters when they are full grown. This still may confuse you a little and if that's the case just look at their colors. You will find that the majority of Chinese dwarf hamsters have a grayish-brown color with a racing stripe (black) down their spell. When you turn them over you will see that the belly is white. This is the predominant colors, although there are two other color mutations out there. These are considered "wild hits," which revolve around the dominate spot and the black eyed white version.

If you decide to purchase Chinese dwarf hamsters, do not make one of the most common mistakes out there today. See, even though experts will tell you that pairing up dwarf hamsters is a good idea, you want to purchase an individual Chinese dwarf hamster. The females are by far the dominant sex in this race and they will seriously injure or kill the males. However, if you are set on purchasing more than one we recommend choosing the same race and making sure they have enough room. You can do this by getting a cage that is more than one level, which will allow them to make a new home without worrying about the other hamster. We also suggest purchasing a plastic or aquarium tank as opposed to a cage. Getting stuck in a wire cage can be a traumatic experience for anyone, especially children. In the end the best option is two females. Just make sure you get them at an early age so they will have a better chance of getting along.

Feeding Chinese Dwarf hamsters are very similar to any other hamster. We recommend seeds and pellets or fruits and veggies. You probably want to give them treats here and there, but something like Cheerios will be just fine. Then again, we do know some owners who feed them things like crickets and mealworms. Whatever you choose, make sure they have a fresh water supply on a daily basis. The best option here is a plastic bottle so you do not have to clean the litter all the time.

Chinese Dwarf hamsters last about 2-3 years. Some of them you will be able to train or tame and others will not be able to be broken. Actually, most experts consider them to be more aggressive than most and extremely agile. When you see them jump for the first time you will not believe it. This is also true when they hop on their exercise wheel, because Chinese Dwarf hamsters are extremely fast. If you take the time to secure the cage properly, you will not have to worry about them trying to make an escape. In the end, if you're a beginner we highly recommend choosing another hamster. This is especially true if you plan on getting one for a child under 12.

Learn more about Chinese Dwarf Hamsters


Source by Steven Barrin

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