Chinese Dwarf Hamsters Are Very Cute But Challenging

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Can you guess why they are called Chinese dwarf hamsters? Yes of course because they are from China. Actually from the deserts of China and Mongolia. It is difficult to breed them which makes them hard to find at a local pet store.

I hope this won’t disappoint you (because it shouldn’t) but technically they are not dwarf hamsters but rather part of a rat like hamster line. They have a longer body then most hamsters and are usually gray brown with a black stripe down its back and the underside is white. And it is the only hamster with a tail making it look more like a mouse (or a rat).

Chinese hamsters are loners. Females are the bigger stronger sex and by putting a male and female in the same cage the male can be injured or killed. Pretty much the same as humans if the woman was bigger and stronger. Sorry couldn’t resist the humor. Although it does make you wonder as this does seem to be the natural way of things.

Two females put together at an early age have a better chance then a male and female.

If you want 2 Chinese hamsters there is a solution. Get a cage with twice as much space and a cage with more then one level and with a lot of hiding places. The weaker hamster can get away and has more places to hide. Although I guess that doesn’t sound like much of a solution does it. In fact it sounds pretty brutal when one of your pets has to live in fear. You can put a divider in the cage or put 2 cages side by side. Sorry it doesn’t get better then this.

The good news is this advice is only for the Chinese dwarf hamster because other dwarf hamsters do very well in pairs.

You need to keep Chinese hamsters in plastic or aquarium tanks. With a wire cage they try to squeeze through the bars and sometimes they escape and sometimes horribly enough they will get stuck between the bars. They are great climbers and jump from surprisingly high places without getting hurt.

Chinese hamsters eat the same things other hamsters eat. You can give them pellets, seeds, fruit, vegetables, meal worms, grasshoppers, wheat bread and even Cheerios.

The reality and bottom line on the Chinese dwarf hamster is they aren’t great pets for children, they are not very tame and can even be aggressive and easily agitated, they are very fast and can escape from cages if not highly secure.

Although the Chinese dwarf hamster is cute and adorable like all hamsters are if you are a beginner it is recommended you start with a tamer hamster then the more challenging Chinese dwarf hamster.


Source by Russ Cooper

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