Comfort Food Addiction and Stress Link – How to Create Choices to Have Joy Within Eating

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Comfort food addiction is described with these characteristics. Food products that have a high level of sugar, fat and salt and other chemicals that have been process together to enhances and amplify flavors will above normal food levels. Do to the abnormally high levels of sugar, fat and salt and other chemicals the body changes its chemistry to adapt to the affects of digesting these foods which has the affect of physically changing persons chemistry. Once the bodies chemistry has changed which affects emotional and mental association to eating comfort food and relaxation through repeated eating comfort food for through reinforcement of behavior with comfort food the mind learns to relax before it even starts to eat your comfort food and that experience forms mental addicted attachment and behavior.

The way comfort food affects relaxation is by reducing energy within the body, that is created by the affect of changing ones chemistry and the mind identify chemical change as relaxation. Any addiction is mind or mental state, body stress in shoulders and tension in body and spirit energy force between the mind and body which is being supported by their breathing pattern that support addiction. It is the interaction of all three that has to be address to change persons compulsive behavior. The power of personal spirit to affect their emotional, physical and enjoyment reality has to be developed and incorporated otherwise you fight your addiction but do not change your addiction. The ability to enhances ones personal spirit force is directly connected to the power of core/breathing for in order to do it at the highest level the whole torso is engaged in each breath and the mind is conscious (conscious is not thinking but feeling action which lets you think with sense of feeling the body) of the experience during the breath. Clarity here for breath and spirit are connected for its force within and being express with each exhale.

Over time the mind and body will adjust its sense of taste to deal with comfort foods over active taste which has the affect of numbing the tong and mouth to point that a person will find it hard to taste anything else other then process foods. Because of altered taste a person will continually pick process foods over other foods because it’s the only time they can taste their food. Other foods that have not been process will seem tasteless thereby not enjoyable to eat. It takes time to recover taste once person stop eating comfort food.

There is mindless eating to consuming comfort food for taste is not the issue but creating a chemical induce emotional relaxed state is. The food is consumed as a person is thinking emotionally and being a alone. Then there are the times being with other people at parties and consuming comfort foods, with its high taste of salt, sugar and fat. One of the biggest times to eat comfort food is during entertainment like watching T.V. The minds focus is not on the eating of food but in conjunction of doing other things emotionally. Comfort foods become relaxing cluing to escape into entertainment while person is mindlessly eating to create a relax mind state. Your creating an emotional reality around your comfort foods that drives the eating so the emotional cluing experience can be recreated. Since eating is an emotional physical experience behavior that has been learned, a person can replace the old with a more dynamic experience around food and emotionally balance their wants with needs by finding ideas and techniques within over all method they create with their relationship with food. Here is rule of life “a person is greater then the some of their behavior”, for people have their spirit to work from to create a change if they tap into it with its force that is a positive conscious force.

Over eating comfort food as your thinking or being entertained is common behavior and your 35 pounds or more over weight, your addicted to the chemical emotional change that happens when you eat your choice of comfort foods. To change addiction person has to put their own program together that affects them personally, emotionally and physically, in order to be effective in the long run. Finding a program that works for you is only the beginning part to change your addiction for its the first part. To recover from addictive behavior and thoughts that drive a person, they have to change their emotional physical energy interaction between the mind and body. There is short term gain and long term affects but to be the most affective a person has to create their own program in side them self to change their emotional reality into one that promote positive attitude with joy of doing things. Once your addicted your attitude is centered around the emotions connected to your addiction and there can not be emotional change in person life. Addiction holds your emotional reality and your time in one place by affecting your creative spiritual to develop your emotions over time and being impermanence. Addiction prevents changing and developing a creative range of feeling about life and the creative force of being spiritual being within what your doing for enjoyment.

Developing your program to change your eating habits, there has to be a method that affects your emotional, physical interrelationship reality around food. Eating is an emotional event, just look at all the senses that are engaged when person is working with food so the questions is what type of emotions within the event of eating does a person want to create when they are with food and eating? People create an event with comfort foods and its simple but very sensory for its eaten with your hands or licking with your tong. Example can be seen with cake there are two ways to eat it. One way is on plate and will staged and the other is pick it up and having the feeling of the food in your hand and put it in your mouth. Use of the hands is very powerful emotional connection to comfort food. Here is test of emotional connection of how you eat your food affecting emotional feeling to the food. If you use your hands to eat your comfort food, now put it on plate and use fork to eat it and wait minute between each bite and see what type of emotions is created relating to your comfort food that way. People create emotional values around food so eating is just not simple, so the question is what does person want to create emotionally within food.

Here are suggestions to change the emotional experience relationship in eating comfort foods, do not use your hands but serve it on plate and use fork. To change addiction to comfort food is base on emotional behavioral habits being redirected into and finding other behaviors to consume comfort so you do not repeat the same behavior, the goal is stop repeatable behavior to comfort food so eating it differently each time. Make each time eating comfort food different so the brain has to look at the food and realize what it is doing. Habit is repeatable behavior so changing the way person eats comfort foods does not let the brain become emotionally connected to the food, that is like the addictive emotional state for the person has to change the emotional connection to comfort foods. Changing emotional patterns with comfort foods disrupts the minds emotional connection to the food. The goal here is little behavior pattern change force the mind to be conscious of its action and real decision can be made to eat it or how much to eat and realize the taste of the foods. Varying patterns of thoughts and behavior on how you eat comfort foods breaks emotional patterns behavior to what your eating. when you eating comfort food differently each time you eat it to changes the affects emotionally so it does not let the old emotional pattern bring up the addictive emotional state.

Emotional change is challenging within the struggle of dealing with comfort food addiction and being over weight. It starts with knowledge of what emotional relationship to foods you want to create when eating and knowledge of foods affect on the body to begin. But how to change and how you change your emotional behavior matters to eating, to create the most affective method when changing addiction person has to have clear idea about foods, its function and how to stage events internally with food that promoter enjoyment with food.

To change addiction which is physical repeatable behavior with lot of emotions that affects person emotional state, which the addiction changing stress in shoulders and tension in body with the affect of being relaxed with one self and others. In this program to change addictive comfort food eating, you start off physical then go to mental then back to physical for their is on going interaction between mind and body but its relationship is base on energy flow that affects body feeling and mind emotional thoughts. The starting is with the power of core-breathing action. Now there are many ways to work the core-breathing to affect energy and emotional feeling connection between mind and body for there is not just one way but a person has to find the most affective way that influences their energy feeling flow between mind and body that creates calmness and it can change with each meal. In this program the breath and core is viewed as a reflection of ones emotional reality in situation of life for it supports your emotional reality. Your breathing pattern or how you create your breathing within the torso affects your energy, and ability to feel and physical strength. So starting your change with the power of core breathing is to bring your mind (mindfulness) into your physical body and not into emotional abstractions. This program is about creating choices for a person by affecting your core-breathing relations that give person ability to create calmness between the mind and body so person can redirect their mental focus and emotional energy in to a purpose that benefits them the most.

Purpose in life is undermined when person is addicted and that addiction is the center force of emotional actions. Being emotionally addicted to comfort foods limits a persons spirit to create there internal emotional reality around the natural act of eating. Comfort food limits enjoyment of the act of eating food that helps your body the most and the physical and mental affects of enjoyment of eating food. To change stress you have to change your emotional reality to food, your self and what your doing.

The knowledge of the power of core/breathing to affect addiction to comfort food by giving the mind a feeling of personal physical strength and an enhanced mind and body relationship during eating food. The power within the core/breathing is its ability to change stress in shoulders and tension in body and the affects of energy flow before, during and after eating for enjoyment as an experience to replace other experiences with foods. Replacing comfort food eating experience with eating experience that lets person be more powerful is the goal. For change should let you be stronger in life and not leave you weaker.

To bring person chemistry back to normal it takes 9 months or more depending on damage to the body and its relationship to the mind from comfort foods. Not having the ability to tastes other foods is part of the force of being addicted to comfort food that will change over time. When person cuts comfort food out of their diet the body will go through chemical changes which affects emotional connection between mind and body. As the body adjusts to the chemical changes the ability to taste food will increase. Part of the change relationship to food is how you eat it and the food setting you create forms experience of enjoyment in eating good food.

To change your addiction and the stress that keeps your addiction is challenging but to change with joy is the most powerful force and holds the greatest benefits to your spirit in life with food. To change with joy is about directing and being within your spirit as you are changing behavior and your emotional attitude by being positive in your projection as you eat and joyfulness with your food. By projecting positive emotional calmness of joy person becomes stronger within their behavioral and their senses are affected in being heighten so the person is calmer with their food. To over come addition is to have new way to emotionally relate to the same old events but with calm joy of being there and seeing anew. So having the same food is not the same because its always different if you let your sense see it and not let the mind tell you it is the same. The senses pick up changes and the mind does not for in addiction the mind rules with its repeatable emotional behavior of thinking and the senses are just their for the ride. So changing addiction is about letting the senses do their job and the mind is open to the new and different feeling information within give event.

People stop addictive behavior but never put their spirit into new behavior so there is internal fight between the addictive spirit behavior and the new behavior that has less emotional connection to mind and body. Changing your spirit force within addiction and redirecting your spirit into new behavior is the challenge of change and the power of joyfulness, is a force of action within change. The power of core/breathing is the foundation of the forces of the spirit and how person uses the core/breathing within eating affects the force of your spirit from within by affecting the ability of the senses to connect to the new behavior.

Finding knowledgeable people about your addiction and how they deal with it, gives information and vision for the future. Addiction is about ones spirit so finding people with knowledge of the spirit that can be used in your own program to live life in the most positive way is comforting. Take responsible for creating your life and you become the creator of your emotional reality.

The power of core/breathing for eating food is about suggestions to be played with but not just done. It is about creating experience with your food and the act of eating to create the most enjoyable experience.

There are three parts, one is before you eat the need to reduce your physical stress feeling and let your mind change its focus to prepare to eat. Bring your mind focus and your emotions into preparing food and enjoying the possible tastes. To over come food addiction it aids a person emotionally if the table is fixed to eat and it looks nice for it set a mood for the food to bring the visual sense into play and tunes the mind for the food. It is about staging an event to bring in all the senses of eating and enjoyment into focus for the mind. The learning to stage even with food, setup emotions to the food and eating. So it is very important to create emotions to the act of staging the event with food for it create mood with the food that affects your senses to eat. The power of core/breathing keeps the mind and body connection during eating so over eating is lesson.

As you’re preparing your food the power of core/breathing comes into play to amplify your positive feeling with food by affecting change in your shoulder stress and energy flow feeling of delight in cooking and eating. The more emotionally positive feeling you send to the food as you are working with it the better the taste of the food is going to be.

During eating using the core/breathing is the most natural way to smell the food, relax the body as you’re eating and tasting the food. Between each bite of food take moment to relax the shoulders with the power of core/breathing to let the mind feel the experience of the food you just eaten. There are many ways to do core/breathing within cooking, eating and cleaning after wards. Once on the web site is just the beginning exercise development.

After taking your last bite, take an internal enjoyment of the food and your preparation of the food as an experience. To complete the dinning experience cleaning up after your self and making the area clean with smile and feeling the affect of having good food and eating it with enjoyment. Cleaning after your meal can be real enjoyment of what you created and for the most benefit cleaning should be done in silences so your mind has moment to relate to the food that was consumed. This is suggested to be played with not just done for its art to do it affectively. After cleaning up take a moment and see the work you have done and enjoyed doing. The affects of cleaning after yourself after eating is enhancement of the food you had if you create it as experience of enjoyment.

This is an introduction to thinking on how to change addiction using our spirit as a force that advances the idea of enjoyment between mind and body within persons emotional behavior with food. To over come addiction is not one dimensional but having three dimensions that interact together and how a person plays within themselves between the three dimensions, which are mind, body and spirit, and project joy within behavior of eating that will affect the experience of eating that is more creative and dynamic. Creating a emotional experience choice with the food you want to eat and eat requires a conscious mind within their behavior so they can feel the choices and then decide to eat or not and then what emotional connection they want to the food in their hand. To over come addiction, which is emotional behavior, there has to be mindful direction emotional development of joy that replaces the negative emotional affect of comfort food that affect stress and relaxes you. Joy within your behavior is very relaxing and its more dynamic for the person then addictive behavior but it has to be develop through changing your self. There are many ways to develop joy in your every day life and it start from the time you wake up and work with your spirit, which is core/breathing, which affects the stress and tension in muscles from sleeping. Creating a transition time from sleep to being awake and then use your spirit, core/breathing, to affect your physical strength during the day. Then create a transition from day time stress by releasing that energy so the muscles are relaxed as the eyes closed. Your mind is being connected to the body and the body is giving feeling to the mind so their is real strong connection and letting the mind to think.

One of the emotional states that affect the development of joy is calmness that stops addiction in the moment. To create calmness within ones physical and mental state is a transition time for its one of the hardest emotional state to create and hold for any period of time.

Walking before and after meal to change and affect stress energy build up in shoulders give the mind higher sense of the body and the food that was just eaten. Changing your relationship to food from addictive behavior is a conscious directive emotional creative act that adjust the sense anew and your spirit of eating for enjoyment. What emotional thoughts do you want before, during and after you have eaten affects the body and mind for its a creative expression eating is so staging is very important.

It comes down to what do you want to create within your self while you are going through that act of cooking and eating and the development of enjoying your creation ever day that enhance the reality of your impermanence each day that lets person create each day for you work with change.


Source by Scott Bartley

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