Common Health Benefits of Clapping That Can Change Your Life Leading to a Healthy Future

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Most people today would be surprised to realize that clapping or applauding with hands is a good exercise for the body that helps to stimulate the organs resulting in its smooth functioning hence scientific research have proved the fact that little babies who have the habit of clapping grow up with smart brains. This physical movement is the direct key to living a cheerful and stress-free life as striking with the palms is a therapy, related to celebrations as well as achievements thus play a major role in healing depression, hypertension, occasional headaches and problems such as hair fall. Clapping during the morning hours of the day such as while praying at the holy places or singing songs helps to activate a large section of the brain gradually improving the health. It is also a useful medicine for curing pains such as arthritis or any other form of ailment in the different parts of the body.

Doctors have suggested for applying to both the hands some coconut or palm oil so as to stimulate the pressure points in the fingers and make them active in order to create energy waves in the body. By striking both the hands helps in better blood circulation in the veins and arteries and is extremely beneficial for those with cholesterol problems. Also, children who are prone to clapping on a daily basis in the schools are likely to have bright academic prospects as they make less spelling mistakes than others as well as increase the levels of concentration. This exercise also helps to improve digestion and make the body more immune to diseases thus allowing to one to remain fit and healthy all life.

In present times the residential areas have established amusement parks for the people to gather for exercises and morning walks. Some of them go there for clapping as a routine affair to have positive effects both on the body and mind. A few minutes of claps can help in better secretion of hormones as well as keep the heart healthy by removing all the obstructions from the blood vessels and other channels. Patients suffering from low pressure can also raise their hands and clap for a faster recovery. It is also extremely effective for enhancing the nervous system hence those spend some time from their hectic schedules for clapping daily feel fresh and active throughout the day. It also acts as a medicine in reducing the blood sugar levels as well as help in curing certain mental diseases such as insomnia, protects the body from infections such as common cold and lungs related problems such as asthma and eye defects. Biologically the hands and palms are the settlements for reflex points that ensure the healing response to the entire body system thereby the health benefits of clapping as a yoga exercise is innumerably resulting in the healthy development of the body for the people of all ages.


Source by Tapu Goswami

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