Create a Healthy Body – The Choice is Yours

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Our lives consist of choices. From one moment to the next we are constantly choosing. Who we are is the sum of what we say, do, and expect, which is why we must retake the responsibility for our own lives and create for ourselves what we want – a healthy, fit body and a life fulfilled.

Ten Tips For A Successful Diet Plan

1. Get a good start. Make your start day a special date. Choose the first of the month or the beginning of the next week. Days before you start your program, prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Remove unhealthy foods from your kitchen.
2. Eat Breakfast. Eat a healthy meal within one hour of getting up each morning and you will generally feel less hungry throughout the day.
3. Curb your appetite. Drinking a tall glass of water 15 minutes before a meal helps to prevent overeating by making you feel full.
4. Stop Eating late night meals. Make it a habit of not eating after 6 pm
5. Eat only when your hungry. Do not eat because your stressed, sad, bored or anything else.
6. Eat Light. When you are really hungry and you are in a rush, choose low calorie items such as fresh vegetables or fresh fruit. If you need more, add a few raw seeds or nuts.
7. Eat the food you like. With so many healthy food choices available there is no reason to make your diet plan more difficult by eating foods you do not like.
8. Eat Slow. Give your body time to release the enzymes needed to tell your brain you've eaten enough. Also, chewing your food well aids in digestion.
9. Do not get discouraged. If you stray from your plan once or twice, it does not mean your effort is hopeless. Just acknowledge what you did and get back on track.
10. Reward yourself. Once a week, treat yourself for sticking to your plan with a special meal, movie, etc.

So start now and choose to make the necessary changes in your life needed to achieve your goals. Whether it be for your health and fitness or anything else.


Source by John L Miller

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