Do Orgasms Relieve Anxiety?

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Great sex on a regular basis can, in fact, relieve or eliminate stress and anxiety. Sexually active adults are generally less stressed, calmer, and happier. Why? Sex causes a release of oxytocin and endorphins, similar to those released during exercise. The release of these chemicals helps bring about a sense of calmness and clarity. But here’s the ironic truth, or shall we say the “catch-69”: although a hot sex life can help relieve stress and anxiety – stress and anxiety can kill a hot sex life.

For many adults, going without sex can lead to the buildup of even more mental tension, which, if left unchecked, can ultimately bring about a lessened sense of self-worth. Once that occurs, the sex machine inside you can shut down completely, blocking you from the benefits of this very natural and beautiful act. Furthermore, according to a study sponsored by the University of Gottingen in Germany, sex-less people often take on more work to compensate for their frustration. And taking on the increased labor results in – you got it – even less sex.

For you sexless adults, this isn’t to suggest that you rush out the door and find any willing libido to help kick-start a sex life for you. Selectiveness is key. It also doesn’t mean that staying home and using self-satisfaction techniques (masturbation) is an equal substitute to getting it on with someone special. Actually, if you can achieve orgasm alone, but cannot through sexual intercourse, you could have performance anxiety. Most doctors agree that the positive effects of sex on anxiety are magnified when you do it with someone who plays an integral role in your life. Often, just seeing someone you love and trust with your feelings is enough to provide relief from anxiety.


As beautiful and satisfying as the act of sex can be, it is but a crescendo or journey to that final, often euphoric resting place called orgasm. It is the conclusion of the plateau phase of intercourse. For women, there is some debate surrounding the pleasure and effectiveness of clitoral versus vaginal orgasms. Fact is they both feel great and provide anxiety-reversing results. Here are some of the physical and mental reactions that occur during orgasm:

  • Breathing, pulse rate and blood pressure continue to rise during sex.
  • Muscle tension and blood-vessel engorgement reach a peak.
  • Sometimes orgasm comes with a grasping-type muscular reflex of the hands and feet.
  • An abundant release of oxytocin and endorphins occurs.
  • Following orgasm, a reduction in baseline blood pressure happens.
  • Ultimately, tension is released producing an unrivaled relaxed state of mind

When the sexual crescendo concludes, the recirculation of blood back through the brain and the balance of the body brings on a momentary sense of welcomed weakness followed by a restoration of clarity, calm, and newfound confidence (especially if your partner achieves orgasm too). It feels like all your fears are literally lifted and taken away.


Relationship experts recommend couples have sex at least 2 to 3 times per week. Of course, singles might see numbers double or even triple those for couples. Some people have short sexual breakaways during the day, affectionately referred to as “quickie sex”, and report seeing dramatic improvement in confidence, pep, and life accomplishments. Regardless of how often you do it, structure your goal around eliminating the anxiety first and then see if the great sex comes around. Anxiety can be dangerous, sometimes resulting in death. Aside from medicinal approaches, there are many alternative ways of effectively treating anxiety. Read articles and reports on Natural Anxiety Relief Options.


Source by Katelyn Tinker

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