Dog Specialty Treats Made From Home With Care

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It's a good idea to train your dog to accept a specific kind of treat, and only from you. You may even want to consider making your own trips. It's easier than you might think, and when you do it yourself, you can control the ingredients!

There are many recipes for making dog trips at home available, both online and in books many books on pet health and pet care contain such recipes. A simple online search can bring thousands of recipes to your attention, and these can be a gold mine for you to sift through until you find the one, or a few, that you like the best.

In general, the process is similar to baking cookies and, just like baking cookies, can be a fun activity for you to have your children participate in! You may find that you and the rest of your family look forward to preparing your pet's treats, because it's something that you can all do together. You can also use cookie cutters on your pet's treats and the dog will not notice, but it adds another fun step to the treat-making process.

And, like cookies, dog trees should be stored in air-tight containers, which can be found easily enough. Just like any food product, homemade dog trees can go stale and, as the recipes for such trips often contain meat, be extra careful. You may want to even refrigerate them. You certainly do not want to take a chance on your family pet becoming ill from food poisoning! If you freeze treasures, make sure they're fully thawed before feeding them to the dog.

No exotic ingredients are needed. Generally, dog trees made at home contain items found in the average kitchen. However, because you control the ingredients, you can be sure of what's in them, and they're often healthier than store-bought treats. Just be certain to avoid recipes that call for food items that are known to be harmful to dogs. These include: grapes, raisins, onions, chocolate, and all but the smallest quantities of garlic. If you have a concern about a particular ingredient, ask your dog's vet, as you certainly do not want to take any chances with your dog's health.

Do a little research, get your family involved, and have fun making dog trips at home. You'll enjoy making them, and your pet will enjoy them and forever love you, well as long you deliver the goodies!


Source by Chris L. Jensen

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