Dwarf Hamster Behavior

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Often hamsters have been given a bad reputation for being ill-tempered and quick to bite, but this behavior is usually a result of mishandling or a sudden disturbance. Dwarf Hamsters can easily be held and tamed with a little practice and patience.

When starting this process of taming, use ideal circumstances, when your not in a rush and in the evening when the hamster itself is in a happy playful mood. How do you know when your hamster is in a playful mood?

Luckily dwarf hamsters show communication through their body language and voice signals. Here are some of the basics:

Curious hamster

Running about the cage, digging, climbing sometimes even leaping are signs of a healthy and happy hamster.

Curious with Interest

Hamster will be sitting on it’s haunches, relaxed and sniff for periods of time. Front legs about level with belly and it’s front toes are point towards the ground

Fearful Hamster

Ears will be tilted back, standing with one or both front feet raised, often hissing or squeaking, this is when hamster is agitated and ready to bite.

Defensive Posture Hamster

Sometimes when frightened hamsters will lie on their back and expose it’s belly and display their large incisors and will use them if necessary.

Showing Emotions to other Dwarfs

Body language is used to sign messages to each other, for example young males show another males he’s afraid by walking stiffly with his tail raised.

In Unfamiliar territory

Hamster will tend to flatten himself out and slink along as there are no familiar scent markings

Sleeping Hamster

Often buried in the bedding material curled up in a ball


If you hear a hamster talking, it’s for an important reason like your hamster feels threatened or is threatening an attack

Scent marking

This is an important activity for them as it marks their territory

Activity cycle

Most activity is nocturnal, with a bit during the day. Seasonal times come into play, shorter days and colder temperatures requires more sleep

Hoarding Hamster

Instinctive behavior to stash food in various locations, preferably hoarding far more than it could ever eat

Hiding Hamster

Natural instinctive burrowers that love to tunnel and keep themselves covered.

Playful Hamster

Running, jumping, leaping are all signs of active playtime activity.


Source by Kym Sutherland

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