Dwarf Hamster Supplies: Essentials

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If you want to adopt a pet animal, your work does not end merely at purchasing them. You have to keep in mind that a pet animal needs as much attention as a new-born baby. The owner needs to buy a number of supplies for them so that they can live comfortably and feel at home in an alien setting. A tiny dwarf hamster is no exception to the rule. If you are planning to keep them as a pet,you need to get the following dwarf hamsters supplies.

The first thing that comes to mind when we plan to house a pet animal is the need to allot a place for them to stay. A dwarf hamster needs to be housed in a cage. But, there are many factors that one needs to keep in mind while buying a cage for them. It should be of a fairly large size to enable the dwarf to move about. Most importantly it should be escape proof because at the slightest opportunity a hamster may try to escape. Buying hamster supplies such as substrate is also essential. Their cage should invariably have a layer of substrate on the base so that the hamster can climb and dig.

Another of the many dwarf hamster supplies is the chew toys which are an important requirement for the pet hamsters. There is no end to the growth of a hamster’s teeth. This is why they need to constantly file them down. If they do not, their teeth would grow to such an extent that they may starve to death. Any list you’re creating for your hamster supplies should inevitably include chew toys. Chew toys are available in a large variety of sizes, colors and shapes. They are mostly made of soft wood. Once you’ve purchased your hamster toys, you should check the condition of it regularly to ensure safety and cleanliness.

Dwarf hamster supplies should include, among other things, a fresh water supply. This should be accompanied with other dwarf hamster supplies like a water bottles. The bottle can be kept hanging on the side of the cage. Most hamsters learn to drink water from a water bottle at an early age. The use of water bottle keeps the cage tidy and prevents any kind of risk. The owner needs to keep an eye on the bottle to ensure that it is always kept full and is also free of leaks or cracks. While this item is essential for healthy, happy hamsters, if you are not careful in monitoring the water container, you can create an unsafe and unhealthy environment for your pocket pet.

Another essential dwarf hamster supply is a small house where the hamster can make their nest. Tiny and nimble as they are, they are basically shy and prefer places to hide. Dwarf hamsters are burrowing creatures. To make them feel safe, and ease them into their new environment, providing a small house or object to burrow will aid in the transition from store you home.


Source by Mary Wilbur

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