Dwarf Hamster Toys – More Important Than You Think!

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If you have children, you've probably heard them complain, and more than just once, "I'm bored!" This is something you probably do not want to hear from your dwarf hamster. Well, luckily for you then, hamsters can not actually talk, but they very well may get bored.

Let's face it; your new pet has every reason to get bored. His house may be gorgeous, but he's naturally bound to it for about 23 hours every day. The only time he gets a break to check out new surroundings is when you take him out for his play time. It's no wonder that he may be developing the hamster version of "cabin fever."

So, what's a good hamster parent to do in this situation? Well one of the biggest things you can do to prevent this boredom is to supply your pet with plenty of dwarf hamster toys. These various toys can give your hamster a nice array of activities and things to do with his time.

Of course dwarf hamster toys do a lot more than just keep your hamster from being bored. Dwarf hamsters have a lot of energy bottled up inside of them. They have extremely fast metabolisms and need a way to expend their energy. The toys provide them with various outlets for this energy of theirs. In addition to needing to burn off energy, they have a ton of hamster practices that need to be fulfilled. Did you know that hamsters run up to five miles a day in the wild? They also have a natural desire to tunnel and chew. These are all itches that need to be scratched and this can be done by providing your dwarf hamster with the right toys.

Another reason toys are important in any dwarf hamster's life is that they keep him healthy. Nobody wants a lazy unhealthy dwarf hamster that has no energy. By providing your hamster with toys, you're encouraging him to exercise and stay fit. But these toys do not only keep your hamster healthy through exercise. By giving your dwarf hamster toys to chew on for example, you're providing him with tools he needs to keep his teeth in check so they do not grow too large for his mouth.

So now that you know how important dwarf hamster toys are and what they provide, you're left with the question, what kind of toys should I get? The staple toys that every dwarf hamster home should have are running wheel and chew toys. The hamster wheel will give him the running and exercise he needs and the chew toys will, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, keep his teeth in check. Another toy I highly suggest you getting is a dwarf hamster ball. You can not expect your dwarf hamster to exercise on the running wheel forever. This ball will give him a nice diversion from the running wheel and will also give him some much needed out-of-cage time. Other toys that are very good are any toys that provide tunnel structures and let your dwarf hamster tunnel and climb in and around the cage. You do not always have to buy fancy tunneling to give your dwarf hamster this enjoyment. There are many different ways you can use every day objects and containers to construct your own unique tunneling toys, you just need a little bit of creativity.

As you can see dwarf hamster toys are a very important part in any dwarf hamster's life. Not only does it keep him from being bored, but it satisfies natural desires he has and also keeps him healthy. A few fundamental toys you can provide for you dwarf hammy include a running wheel, chew toys, a hamster ball, and tunnels.


Source by George Grayson

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