Dwarf Russian Hamster

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Learning how to care for your Dwarf Russian hamster can seem like a daunting task if you are not familiar with the breed. They are a bit different from regular hamsters and have their own specific needs.

Here is a list of basic things you should and should not do when caring for your Dwarf Russian hamster. This list provides a small sampling of the time and effort that is required to keep your hamster safe and healthy. For more information, invest in a thorough guide or instruction manual in addition to consulting with your veterinarian.

  1. Do not keep your hamster's cage near doors. For obvious reasons, outside doors pose quite a problem when owning a hamster. Some cages provide more security like aquarium tanks, but if you have a wire cage, where you place it becomes even more important.
  2. Do not clean your hamster cage with harsh chemicals. Instead, opt for mild solutions available at pet stores or use a very mild mixture of dish soap and water to thoroughly clean the cage. Always rinse very well and allow to completely dry before placing new bedding inside.
  3. Clean your hamster cage every day. You do not need to change the bedding out completely but you do need to get out the dirty bits. Scoop soiled bedding and old food out daily.
  4. Do not keep males and females together. Without you want plenty of hamster babies, keep the males and females in separate cages. The gestation period for a pregnant Dwarf Russian hamster is very short (16-20 days) so you can see how quickly you could end up with a population problem.
  5. Do leave your hamster alone during the day. Hamsters are mostly awake at night and sleep through the day. Keep your hamster happy and allow them their beauty rest. How would you like it if every few hours someone picked you up out of your warm, toasty bed? Now you know how your hamster feet.
  6. Give your hamster some fresh fruits and vegetables every couple of days. In addition to his or her hamster food, provide some bites of apple, tomato, corn, broccoli, and green leafy lettuce. Do not go overboard as you do not want to make your hamster sick. Just a few pieces of fruit and a few small pieces of leaves is plenty.
  7. Never feed your Dwarf Russian hamster foods that are high in sugar. This type of hamster has a tendency to get diabetes so keep everything low in sugar to prevent disease.
  8. Do handle your hamster every day. If you stop taking your hamster out of its cage to play and be handled, it will become wild again. Then you have to start the taming process all over. Unlike the Syrian hamster, Russian hamsters revert to their wild state. Remember to play with them when they are awake and active so try dusk or dawn.
  9. Never place cedar material in your hamster cage for bedding. The oils in cedar cause a respiratory infection in hamsters. Instead, use aspen or ask for a recommendation at the pet store.
  10. Do purchase Chinchilla sand for your hamster to "bathe" in. Do not give water baths as these are unnecessary, no matter how dirty you think your hamster appears. Allow them some time in the Chinchilla sand (not dust) and they will be shiny and clean.

Learn more about caring for your Dwarf Russian hamster so you will enjoy many years with your furry and entertaining new pet.


Source by Liz Andrews

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