Ear Infections in Cats

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There are certain health issues that cats will receive that many humans get as well. While they are quite different in their cause and treatments, it should be something that does not surprise the owner of a pet. When you think that there is something wrong with your cat, it's important to visit a vet as soon as possible to figure out what is going on. One of the issues that can develop in terms of health problems for a feline is an ear infection.

Cat ear infections can be caused by a variety of issues, and understanding them on a defect level can help you determine what is going on, and when to call a veterinarian for a treatment and course of action to make sure it does not occur again Egypt often. The following should help give you a brief understanding of what is going awry.


There are several causes that you should be wary of, as they could cause serious health problems overall. The initial issues that you may have to deal with are wax build up, tumors, eardrum rupture, diabetes, hypothyroidism, mites, bacteria, and other issues. These causes are some of the more common ones, but do not highlight all the problems that could have been in relationship to the issue. It's important that the symptoms that will follow be noticed so that a course of action can be taken to heal pets that are going to have irritating discomfort as a main result from ear problems.


There are several issues that will manifest as a result from infections of the ear of a pet. You'll see waxy build up near the flaps of the ears, an odor coming from the ear, hearing loss and severe loss of balance as some of the preliminary issues. Further problems that you might see include redness or swilling, and discharge. These issues will cause problems and left untreated can cause serious medical problems.


Treatment of the issue requires a visit to the vet. A vet can prescribe a treatment that can be as easy as drops, or something else depending on the root cause. After feline cat ear infections are treated, it's imperative that the ears be routinely checked for any issues, debris, or earwax that could be accumulating afterwards. Cleaning the ears will become necessary, but only after a veterinarian has given instructions as to how to do this, and after medical treatment has been administrated. Most often, the issue will not repeat after being taken care of.


Source by Joshua Jarington

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