Easy Weight Loss Tips – Healthy Snacks When You Are Dieting

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I love easy weight loss tips. Simplicity in a diet plan is super important to me. If a diet is too hard to follow, or if I find myself constantly counting calories, it’s just too much trouble. I have lost over 40 pounds since mid-March, and there are a few rules that adhere to for weight loss. Generally, creating healthy meals are simple. I always eat breakfast every morning. Lunch is generally a homemade fruit smoothie, and a protein bar. Dinner is one serving of lean protein, lots of fresh vegetables, and some type of whole grains. When it comes to healthy snacks, I have learned what to reach for to stay on track.

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Go for whole grain cereals with low fat milk and fresh fruit. When choosing a cereal, try to get one that has very little sugar. Sugar can really wreck your diet because it raises your blood sugar, and makes you crave more sweets. A piece of fresh fruit like an apple or banana, or berries in your cereal will help to keep you feeling satisfied until you have your mid-morning snack. Suitable diet snacks include another piece of fresh fruit, a serving of almonds, a protein fruit smoothies, or a protein bar. I like to combine protein based snacks with the fiber of fruit because it will keep you feeling fuller with more energy longer.

Lunch can be another simple meal. Veggies and a good source of protein like chicken, tofu, or turkey is great because this combination offers both low fat and low calorie options. You will want to skip the bread if it is not whole grain. Try brown rice, or quinoa. Try your vegetables fresh, or steamed. If you are having a salad, add in some almonds, fresh blueberries, or sunflower seeds. The taste will amaze you. If you eat a balanced lunch, healthy mid-afternoon snacking should be a no-brainer.

Dinner should be similar to lunch with your portions of lean protein, vegetables, and a source of whole grains. If you would like a snack, one of my easy weight loss tips would be to have a cup of herbal tea with a protein bar and fresh berries. I particularly like to snack on edamame, which is steamed soy beans. They are packed with protein, filling and delicious.

You could choose from a variety of healthy snacks when you are dieting. Remember to keep it low calorie, and be sure that it is packed with the vitamins and minerals you need to succeed with your diet plan.


Source by Carmen T. Wilson

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