Everyday Health Checklists You Can not Do Without

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The idea of ​​a person's own health is endlessly fascinating to themselves and endlessly boring to those around them if they talk about it constantly. Being concerned with your health and adhering to a checklist is not, however, something to be accused of. If you visit the doctor regularly, it does not need to mean that you're a hypochondriac. Cancer, high blood pressure and type II diabetes are diseases that many people are at risk of suffering from while just going about their daily business.

Health and safety checklists for diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure

Even if you are still young, you should keep an eye on your cholesterol and blood pressure, otherwise they will come back to haunt you in 30 years time. If you suffer from a highly stressful job or family situation you may need to take measures to reduce your blood pressure, such as exercising more, cutting out salt (beware of the hidden salts in most processed food) or even going on medication.

If you carry excess weight, particularly around your middle, your risk increases for a whole range of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Next time you go to health care professional, take along your checklist and ask her to weigh you, work out your body mass index and check your cholesterol. If you are unable to shake off the excess weight, ensure that the food you eat is at least healthy and you go for regular check-ups. Eating large quantities of sugar causes Type II Diabetes in later years, which is, fortunately, reversible with a strict diet and exercise regime. Diet sugars can be used in moderation but many come with associated cancer records so consult your doctor before using a sugar replacement.

Health and safety checklists for cancer and heart disease

The biggest cancer concerns for men and women are prostate cancer and breast cancer respectively (although men can also get breast cancer). Where cancer and heart disease are concerned, it's important to know your family history. If an aunt or grandmother died of breast cancer, your risk increases. However, doctors do not often recommend genetic testing for the cancer genes so you can eliminate it from your health checklist; This is because the mental and psychological effect of 'waiting to develop cancer' is too great if you test positive for a cancer gene.

Women are urged to do monthly breast self-examinations and to go for annual mammograms after 40 (or after 35 if they have a family history of the disease) as part of a safety check-up for their health checklist. Men should go to a GP for their annual prostate examination. Skin cancer is, fortunately, obvious, but even young people who spend a lot of time in harsh sunlight are at risk. Check moles regularly; if they change in shape or size, warning bells should go off. If you're unsure, have your GP look at them.

Cervical cancer, another fairly common cancer, can be caused by a virus, HPV which is easily contract via sexual intercourse and can be passed on to children during childbirth. Fortunately for those of you who have daughters, in 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration approved a vaccine, Gardasil, for the two strains of HPV which are the most common cause of cervical cancer. Even so, women should get regular pap smear at their GP to test for abnormal cells.

Heart disease is another one of those silent killers and this is where a good diet gives the star performance. Eating too much hard cheese, red meat and heavy drinking take their toll on your heart ever. The French and Italians are said to be the nations that are best at avoiding heart disease. This could be attributed to their diet of red wine, raw olive oil and fresh fruit and vegetables. The French specifically, also believe in eating in moderation.

If you find yourself overeating at mealtimes, try to eat off a smaller dinner plate and wait twenty minutes before you take seconds (it takes this long for your brain to register that you are full). Chest and upper arm pains should be monitored carefully in older people, and people over fifty should only exercise moderately; jogging is a killer if you have a heart disease. Pilates, yoga and brisk walks are good alternatives to jogging and are also kinder to your joints.

One can get very depressed thinking about all the possible diseases we can die from, however, the best thing for you would be to follow your safety checklist and do regular health inspection checks and then stop worrying. As Shakespeare wrote, "Cowards die a thousand deaths. The valiant taste of death but once". One should always take precautions but fear and paranoia are redundant and harmful.


Source by Frances Van Den Berg

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