Fad Diets – Hidden Risk To Your Health

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We all know about fad diets and their promise of bringing very quick and effective weight loss. For those who do not know what it means: it is eating program that is generally unbalanced, unhealthy and not nutritionally sound. It can be also very dangerous for your health. Fad diets are far from the ideal diets and they are not balanced. Every expert will say you that the best way to lose any weight is with a careful well balanced diet.


Fad diets are so popular because they focus on quick weight loss, promise quick results, are relatively easy to implement, and claim remarkable improvements in how their followers will look or feel. Unfortunately, the one thing most fad diets have in common is that they seldom promote sound weight loss. What’s more, they only work short-term. The sad fact is that as many as 95 percent of people who lose weight gain it back within five years.

Main Problems

Quick-weight-loss diets usually overemphasize one particular food or type of food. They violate two main principles of good nutrition: Eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods and also always remember that eating should be enjoyable. If you are able to stay on such a diet for more than a few weeks, you may develop nutritional deficiencies, because no one type of food has all the nutrients you need for good health. That’s why you should eat moderate amounts from all food groups, not large amounts of a few special foods.

How to spot a fad diet?

I will try to explain how to recognize these quick weight loss diets in order to avoid them. Many of them have the following characteristics:

1) List of ‘good’ foods and foods that you should delete from your life.

2) Promises about quick weight loss.

3) Recommendations based on a single study or testimonials.

These three points are the most important. It will be enough for you to find harmful fad diets and avoid them.Here are few examples of fad diets: Grapefruit diet, Cabbage Soup Diet, Low Fat Diets.


So if you follow these diets religiously, you will lose weight but you may have big problems in the future. So my advice for you is to avoid these diets. Most fad diets work in the beginning, usually because the suggested eating regimens help you cut calories in one way or another. But diets that restrict certain food groups or promise unrealistic results are difficult – or unhealthy – to sustain over time. As soon as you go back to your usual eating patterns, the weight comes piling back on. So it is not worth trying. Don`t harm your health.


Source by Andrew M Garson

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