Ferret Myths Dispelled

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Ferrets make great pets, but there are some myths about them that prevent people from even considering adopting them. The information below serves to dispel many of the myths concerning ferrets. Hopefully, if you’ve heard and believed one of these myths, this information will help you to see that a ferret really is a fantastic pet.

Myth #1 – Ferrets are wild animals. Ferrets actually are not wild animals. In fact, ferrets can no longer survive in the wilds as they once could because only domesticated breeds exist now, with the exception of the Black Footed ferret. If a pet ferret is set free, he won’t survive for very long.

Myth #2 – Ferrets stink. This is true, unless the owner of the ferret has him or her de-scented. Ferrets have scent glands just like skunks do – and when they are frightened or threatened, those scent glands are released. The scent glands on their back, near the tail can be removed. Ferrets also have scent glands under their eyes, which cannot be removed. As long as the ferret is bathed about once a month, however, he won’t smell.

Myth #3 – Ferrets are rodents. This is not true. In fact, ferrets eat rodents. A ferret is actually a member of the weasel family. Weasels are not rodents either. They are Mustelidae.

Myth #4 – Ferrets bite. Yes, ferrets do bite, but it isn’t normally to be mean, and they can be trained not to. Think of it like this – A ferrets jaw is strong enough to break all of the bones in your hand. He won’t do that though. He may nip you while playing with you, but again, he can be taught not to.

Myth #5 – Ferrets carry rabies. Lots of animals can carry rabies if they are not vaccinated. Ferrets aren’t any different.

Myth #6 – Ferrets see well. In fact, ferrets don’t see well at all, and on top of that, the only colors they can see are red and blue. Because ferrets don’t see well, one must be careful about ‘sneaking up’ on one.

Myth #7 – Ferrets are dangerous to small children. This isn’t true. In fact, children are a danger to ferrets because they play too rough. This is why ferrets should not be around small children – not because the ferret may hurt the child.

Myth #8 – Ferrets cannot be trained. This is absolutely wrong. You can litter train ferrets, train them not to bite, and even train them to do tricks. Try training a cat to do tricks!

Myth #9 – If you are allergic to cats, you should not have a ferret. This is also absolutely wrong. In fact, ferrets are known as the hypo-allergenic pet. They don’t produce any pet dander. Ferrets are perfect for anyone who has any type of pet allergy.

Myth #10 – Ferrets must be caged, like hamsters. This isn’t true, although many ferret owners will cage their ferrets when they are not at home. This is for the ferret’s protection. Ferrets are highly curious, and often get themselves into dangerous situations if they aren’t being watched – much like toddlers.


Source by Dennis Cheesman

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