Five Reasons You Should Be Taking Fish Oil For Heart Health

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If you've got a family history of heart disease, high cholesterol, a bit of extra weight around the middle, or a desire to keep yourself as healthy as possible for as long as possible, then you should consider taking fish oil for heart health .

Fish oil contains the essential fatty acid Omega 3 (an essential fatty acid is so-called because our body needs it to survive but can not produce it by itself). It has been proven to reduce your risk of:

Cardiovascular Disease In studies of over 11,000 patients, taking one gram of fish oil a day reduced the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by over 30%.

Cardiac Mortality The same study showed that risk from sudden death or certain death from heart disease was reduced by 45%!

High Cholesterol Levels A study in Switzerland showed remarkable results: patients who used Omega 3 to treat their cholesterol problems reduced their risk of death by 23% – and those who were using brand-name cholesterol pharmaceuticals showed just a 13% decline – meaning the fish oil was more effective!

Syndrome X This condition, caused by insulin resistance, causes patients to be at high risk for diabetes and also for cardiovascular disease. The DHA found in Omega 3 helps to keep blood thin, lower triglycerides, and keep blood pressure low – all big helpers for people suffering from metabolic syndrome.

High Blood Pressure The so-called silent killer, high blood pressure, usually goes hand in glove with high triglycerides. Omega 3 can reduce the systolic and diastolic blood pressures, lowering blood pressure and saving lives.

If you're suffering from any of these conditions, you need to be very cautious when choosing a supplement. Since you will be taking high doses to get the best heart health benefits (at least one gram a day), you must ensure that you are getting an ultra-pure, molecular distilled capsule from unpolluted waters. Be sure to only purchase products that list their origins and guarantee their purity.

There are even more good reasons to take fish oil heart health listed on my website, in addition to the numerous other health benefits to be found. If you're interested in taking charge of your health, please visit today!


Source by Sophie Allan

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