Gastric Bypass Surgery Risks, Complications and Dangers

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Gastric bypass surgery, just like any other surgeries, has some risks associated with it. This surgery is one of the many Bariatric surgical procedures that can help people who are morbidly obese to lose some of the extra weight. This extra weight can range from a hundred pounds or more than their normal body weight. Having morbid obesity has many risks of developing various life threatening diseases. The Gastric bypass surgery may prevent these diseases from developing once the patient has shed some of their weight but the journey after the procedure is probably the toughest part of the recovery stage. This is because of the risks associated with the Gastric bypass surgery.

One of the possible risks with Gastric bypass surgery is mortality or death. The statistics show that there is bound to be one death in about 200 to 300 surgeries. The death risk depends on age, the general health of the patient, and other medical conditions such as the degree of obesity, heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes mellitus, and even the history of prior pulmonary embolism. Mortality can also be affected by the level of experience of the surgeon performing the procedure. If the surgeon has little experience or no experience, performing the surgery with laparoscopy increases the risk of the patient for mortality.

Another risk most commonly observed is blood clotting in the patient's legs. They usually occur in very overweight people and these clotting of blood can be very dangerous. If they travel to the lungs and clog up the lung's arteries, it will cause pulmonary embolism. This is a serious condition that can damage lung tissues and can even lead to death. Smoking increases the risk of blood clotting that's why patients who happen to be smokers are often advised to quit smoking before Gastric bypass surgery is performed.

Gastric bypass surgery risks also involve a possible leaking at one of the staple lines placed in the stomach. This is a postoperative risk but it can be treated with antibiotics. Some cases may heal in time but in others having serious leaking problem will have the need for an emergency surgery.

Incision hernia is a weakness in the incision of the procedure. This is one of the risks that are most likely to occur in patients who had an open procedure instead of laparoscopic procedure of the Gastric bypass surgery. This can be remedied by surgical repair depending on the severity of the symptoms and the extent of the hernia. The opening between the stomach and the small intestine may also narrow. This is often rare but it can be treated either by corrective surgery or by dilating the narrowed opening using a tube which is passed through the mouth.

Another risk associated with Gastric bypass surgery is the bleeding syndrome, a condition where stomach contents move too quickly through the small intestine. This causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and sweating. This is one reason why patients are advised to eat slowly and chew their food longer before swallowing. Other potential risks involved in the post operative procedure are malnutrition, dehydration, development of gallstones and kidney stones, bleeding stomach ulcer, intolerance to certain foods, and even hypoglycemia.


Source by Dr.

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