In a recent study conducted by the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Association for Gene Security, results are showing that there may be a connection between the consumption of genetically modified soybean and reproductive issues. The full results of the study will be published in July, 2010.
The gist of the findings show that hamsters fed diets of GM soybean show reduced reproductive rates with each new generation and that the offspring show reduced growth rates and higher mortality rates.
Now, I know many people will say, "These are hamsters, not humans, so what does that mean to me?" The fact is, for decades we have depended on animal testing to determine if something is safe for human use – whether it be medicines, cosmetics, foods, or a number of other products used or ingested by humans. We, as humans, depend on our animal friends to let us know what is safe and what is not. As sad as that reality is, it is the truth.
And now here we are, faced with proof that GM foods could be contributing to reproductive problems, growth rate, mortality rates, and even odd genetic mutations like hair growing inside the mouths of these animals being tested!
How can we ignore the evidence? The literal take-over of the agricultural industry by GM foods over the last three decades, and the fact that reproductive issues have been on a steady rise over the last three decades, are most likely related to each other.
In addition to these new finds, other studies have shown links between the high amounts of herbicides and pesticides used on GM crops and developmental disorders such as ADHD and Autism. Also, it is a pretty common piece of knowledge to know that these chemicals are also linked to cancer.
So here we are, eating foods that cause lower birth rates, higher mortality rates in newborn offspring, slower growth rates, developmental disorders, cancer, and simply offer us less nutrition, and we're just going to continue eating these foods?
Genetically modified foods are literally killing us; they are killing the human race, slowly and stealthily. And our government is just turning a blind eye to it all … because of money.
Read the article, educate yourself, and do not just stand by and watch as our government disregards our health for the sake of more money. GM Soy Linked to Sterility
Source by Jerry Greenfield