Get Fast Yeast Infection Relief Using This Natural Treatment

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When you have a yeast infection you want the irritating symptoms to stop as soon as possible. However instead of going for an over-the-counter medication, consider using a natural remedy that will stop the pain quickly and easily.

The next time you visit your local supermarket, look to the aisle and to get some yogurt to get fast yeast infection relief. Yogurt contains friendly probiotic bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus that help defend your digestion system from bad bacteria.

It is important to note that most yogurt is heat treated to extend its shelf life and kills the friendly bacteria in the process. You need to make sure that the yogurt that you use is plain, contains no sugar, no additives, no coloring and is not heat-treated. You can find this kind of yogurt at most health food stores.

Once you have a small carton of the correct yogurt, although eating it may prove beneficial here are 2 simple ways to apply it to experience quick relief:

  1. Apply a thick coating topically on and around the affected area and leave it for an hour before you rinse it off.
  2. Freeze the yogurt inside a plastic tampon applicator, insert it into the vagina and leave it there for a minimum of 2 hours.

Using yogurt topically is a very simple and effective way to experience natural relief instead of using expensive over the counter creams and lotions. Just apply as needed every time you experience yeast infection symptoms and they will clear up in no time.


Source by Allen Lemoine

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