Getting Ready For a Pet Hamster

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A hamster can make a great pet, but you should be prepared before you bring your new pet home. You will need food, chews, a hamster cage, bedding, and a water bottle. You should decide on a cage first, then you can buy food, toys, and other accessories.

Hamster cages come in many varieties. Some have tubes for the hamster to crawl through, connectors and different "rooms" for the hamster to live in. Many hamster cages come with an exercise wheel. Hamster cages vary broadly in price, and this is dependent on how big and fancy the cage is, as well as what extras are included in it. It's fine to buy your pet a fancy hamster cage if you really want to, but it really is not necessary. A hamster will do fine a glass cage with a mesh cover, or a simple cage with a smooth plastic bottom and a wire top. One of the most important aspects of hamster cages is the size. It should be big enough to provide plenty of room for food and accessories, as well as space for the hamster to move around in. Hamster cages need cleaned frequently to remove waste and to change the bedding, so keep in mind how easy or difficult cleaning the cage will be. Even if you buy a simple cage, you can add toys and accessories to keep your new pet entertained. Hamster huts and tubes are popular, and can be purchased at the pet store. These allow your hamster an area to hide, sleep, or crawl through.

You should also buy a water bottle and mount it on the side of the cage. The water should be changed at least daily. You should also get your hamster a food bowl. It is possible to feed your hamster without one, but a bowl allows you to keep track of how much the hamster is eating. Eating less can be a sign that your hamster is sick. Hamster trees are also available, but you can also give your hamster fresh vegetables as a snack.

Because hamsters are rodents, their teeth never stop growing. It's important that they always have something available to chew on. In addition to food pellets, vegetables, and other snacks, you should buy some chew sticks or other chews formulated for hamsters. You can hide these around the cage, and the hamster will enjoy foraging for them and chewing on them.

You should prove your hamster with some toys or an exercise wheel, as well. You should be careful when choosing a wheel, because hamsters can get their feet in wire wheels. Plastic wheels are also available, and these can be safer for your pet. Hamster toys are also available. You should provide your hamster with plenty of places to dig and hide to keep it busy and entertained.

When getting a hamster, you should be sure to buy a cage that is roomy enough for it to run around in. Many hamster cages come with tubes and wheels, but if yours does not, pet stores sell many hamster toys and accessories. Make sure to clean the cage often, and provide fresh water and food to ensure that your hamster is healthy and happy.


Source by Tom Woodcock

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