Guinea Pig Behavior – Understanding Aggressive and Negative Behavior

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Like humans, cavies also communicate with each other through their non-verbal cues and the sounds they make. Your pets can also show how they feel about you through their actions and the sounds they make. If you have a basic understanding about guinea pig behavior, you can easily develop a rewarding relationship between you and your pets. It will be easier to train them and take care of them if you know exactly how they feel every time you are interacting with them.

So with that said today, we are going to look at three negative behaviors that can occur in guinea pigs. I want you to remember that each and every guinea pig is unique and like people each one has their own personality. So your pet won’t necessary display the following types of behavior and if they do, it is a good sign that something is wrong!


Although guinea pigs are generally sociable and friendly, they tend to exhibit signs of aggression every now and then. If your cavy is angry, his teeth will start chattering and you will hear the sound of their teeth clacking together. Although instances of aggression are rare, you will need to give them the space they need every time they feel upset or annoyed.

Cavies rarely bite humans. However, when they are extremely afraid or upset, they may start nipping at your fingers. When they are showing signs of aggressive behavior, you have to put them in separate cages before a fight breaks out. Before putting them in separate cages, place towels over them to prevent them from biting you.


Cavies will rarely bite their owners. Sometimes, they will start nibbling your hands as a way to communicate something. Such as if you are not holding your cavy correctly, he will feel frightened and he will bite your fingers. They may also start nibbling your clothes every time they feel the urge to go to the toilet while you are holding them. Guinea pig behavior is so complex that you need to be very sensitive with their actions to prevent miscommunications.

Your guinea pig can also bite you by accident while you are hand feeding them. When their excitement towards a tasty treat becomes too hard to control, they may accidentally nip your finger instead of biting their treat. Wash your hands before feeding your cavy in order to prevent them from acquiring harmful bacteria.

Sadness and depression

When cavies feel depressed and frustrated, they tend to hunch up in one of the corners of their cage. If your cavy seems depressed, you can make him feel better by offering him his favorite treats. You can also lift up their spirits by giving them exciting toys that can preoccupy them for quite some time.

If they start refusing the food you are offering, take them to the veterinarian. Depression is an important guinea pig behavior that needs your attention and care. Cavies may exhibit signs of depression every time they want to hide their illness so you have to keep an eye on their progress.


Source by Kate S Myers

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