In today's world you can customize almost everything, from a book to a laptop. How about customizing a hamster cage to make it perfect for your lovable pet? Making a hamster cage is a simple, fun filled and easy task. All you need to do is pick up some everyday used items from your home and you are good to go.
Follow the given steps and you can make a cage that meets all requirements of your pet.
Step 1: Pick up a large plastic container approximately of 90 quarts in size for your cage. However the size depends on how big or small your hamster is. For small hamsters choose a small sized container.
Step 2: You then need to mark the area which you want to cut out by a marker or a pen. Cut the marked area.
Step 3: Take a hardware cloth and measure how much cloth you need and then using a scissor cut the desired measurement.
Step 4: Place the hardware cloth over the bin and mark the area where you need to drill. Extra care should be taken so that the hardware cloth does not move while you are drilling spots.
Step 5: Tighten the screws by securing it with nuts on the opposite side. Do this on all four sides of the cage. Use a screw driver if needed to fasten the process of tightening screws.
Step 6: Add any accessories for your hamster like a water bottle and then clean the entire cage for any plastic shavings or fragments before placing your hamster into it. Add toys, bedding, and other things for your hamster.
Your hamster will definitely feel the love and the effort you have put in making the special cage.
Source by Martin Burton