Hamster Care

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Hamsters are gaining in popularity as household pets, and there is an increased need for knowledge regarding proper hamster care. Once the hamster is installed in his new home and has become accustomed to his surroundings, a basic regimen of hamster care will ensure that he stays healthy and happy.

Hamster care begins with a clean house

This is an easy chore, but not one whose importance should be overlooked. Once a week, remove the hamsters to an alternate cage, and clean the primary cage with unscented, natural soap and water or other pet-safe cleaner. Rinse the cage thoroughly and dry completely before adding new bedding.

Hamster care means a regular feeding schedule

Begin with the correct packaged diet for your breed of hamster, and then create a feeding schedule and stick to it. Research what types of food your hamster ate in the wild and incorporated them into his diet. Offer organic, sugar free snacks and remove unheaten food before it spoils.

Hamster care includes fresh water

A water bottle hung on the side of the cage is the best way to keep hamsters from spilling water onto their bedding. It is also easy to monitor the water level to ensure it does not run out. Hamsters can become dehydrated quickly without adequate water.

Hamster care means changing the bedding frequently

The bedding will be changed during the weekly cage cleaning, but wet bedding should be removed as it occurs. Several hamster diseases are exacerbated by dampness.

Hamster care means facilitating self-care

Providing your hamsters with bathing sand will allow them to clean themselves. That's one less chore for the owner. In the wild, hamsters roll in sand to remove dirt from their coat. Chinchilla sand is available from the pet store. Bathing hamsters is never a good idea, as they may catch a cold and start down the road to ill health.

Hamster care means professional care

A yearly checkup is ideal to ensure your pet's health and to establish a relationship with a qualified veterinarian. At the first sign of disease, such as sluggishness, watery eyes, sneezing or wet tail, consult with your pet's doctor immediately.

Hamster care means preventive care

Some hamster diseases and injuries are hard to cure or heal once they have taken hold. It is therefore preferred to avoid the situation from the start.

Certain human cold and flu viruses are transmittable to your pet. When the owner is sick, contact should be kept to a minimum, and hands should always be washed before handling the hamster.

Hamsters have terrible eyesight and can easily fall from high places. Furthermore, a scared hamster attempting to escape will leap into the air, regardless of how far it is to the ground.

Hamster care begins with knowledge

Learning the appropriate way to pick up your pet will avoid unwanted bites and nips. Hamsters are nocturnal and should not be suddenly picked up while they are sleep. Remember that in the wild, they are at the bottom of the food chain and their constant expectation is to be ateen. It may take a while for a hamster to trust you. Daily handling will get them used to you and make a more enjoyable experience for you both.

In the end, proper hamster care will result in a happy, healthy animal and a more enjoyable experience for the owner.


Source by Jeremy Smart

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