Hamsters are adorable small creatures which create a smile on the face of nearly everyone who sees or owns one. They are in fact one of the original "pocket pets" and there are very few people who have not owned one or wanted one.
Dwarf hamster care is relatively easy, but there are a few things that are necessary in order to insure that they are healthy and well nourished.
Your dwarf hamster needs adequate room in his or her cage. They need room to spread out, to exercise and to move around. A cage with one room will suffice without youre breeding hamsters, in which case you really need to give the mom hamster somewhere to hide.
Keeping your cage clean is imperative. At least twice a week you will need to change the bedding and nesting materials in order to insure that your hamster stays healthy and your cage lasts odor free.
Hamsters are gnawing animals. They are a member of the rodent family. One thing that is very uncommon about hamsters is that they need to chew, very literally, in order to stay healthy. Providing them with chew sticks or tough wood that can grind their teeth down to size. They will grow continuously over their lifespan and if you do not provide a way to grind them off, the teeth of your hamster can actually grow down through their lip and cause sever problems for the hamster.
The hamster normally lives in desert conditions. This means that they sleep most of the day and will be wake most of the night time. They like warmer climates and really depend on their warmth. Keeping your hamster in a cage that is too close to a cooling area or an air conditioning vent may result in a cold for your hamster that they will not recover from.
Hamsters normally live in burrows when they are in the wild. This means that you need to give your hamster some cover area in order to permit them to feel safe when they are sleeping. Add some extra bedding materials in order that they can cover themselves up and get benefit the bedding.
Feed your hamster a good diet of hamster food that is rated for small rodents. Typically you can supplement it with vegetables and other items but pay attention to anything that may cause a loose stool in your hamster. When hamsters have loose stools it can cause great problems because they dehydrate very quickly being so small.
Keep an ample supply of fresh water for your hamster and do not use a bowl to supply it. You need to use a hanging water bottle in order to insure that the bowl does not tip and wet your small friend.
If you pay attention to what your hamster is telling you and watch to be sure that you are offering him a healthy clean environment in which to live, your hamster will live to a ripe old age of about 2 to 3 years and you will have provided great dwarf hamster care .
Source by Robert Sands