Cancer and Your Pet - hamster

Cancer and Your Pet

[ad_1] Just say the word cancer and any of a host of undesirable thoughts will pop in your mind- and with good reason. Cancer is one of the most common…

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Best Foods and Treats for Your Hamster

Losing Your Virginity – A Girl’s Guide To The First Time

[ad_1] If you are reading this, and fit the situation, then the subject is already a consideration on your mind. You may have read something on the subject, spoken to…

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5 Common Hamster Health Issue

Taking Care For Dwarf Hamsters Is Important

[ad_1] If you are considering getting a hamsters home as a pet, jut be alarmed that these creatures need a lot of care and attention. The care for dwarf hamsters…

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Best Foods and Treats for Your Hamster

STD’s, Cardiomyopathy and Wilt Chamberlain

[ad_1] He was the greatest basketball player and possibly the greatest athlete who ever lived. The 63-year-old Wilt Chamberlain was reported to have died of a heart attack, but that…

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The Best Pet Health Care Tips - hamster

The Best Pet Health Care Tips

[ad_1] We all know how important it is for us as humans to make it to the doctor and / or dentist. We have scheduled routine maintenance and checksups to…

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Benefits of Keeping a Hamster As a Pet

Can Your Pets’ Health Really Benefit From Holistic Pet Products?

[ad_1] Holistic pet products are the same as all natural pet products. But, it is really one step further. It is not just claims of one hundred percent all natural,…

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5 Common Hamster Health Issue

Dwarf Hamster Training and Daily Exercise Routines

[ad_1] In order to stay healthy, hamsters must have a daily exercise routine, just like we human beings. Health related conditions like diabetes, heart failure and obesity can be triggered…

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5 Common Hamster Health Issue

Caring For Baby Dwarf Hamsters For Fledgling Hamster Breeders

[ad_1] Dwarf Hamsters can give birth to around ten babies per litter after completing a gestational period that lasts 18-20 days. Typically, the standard litter size of a Dwarf Hamster…

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5 Common Hamster Health Issue

Common Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

[ad_1] Nobody wants to suspect that they have pancreatic cancer. And the reasons should be obvious. With an official pancreatic cancer diagnosis, a person is basically given a death sentence…

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Glaucoma - Hamster Health

Emotional Well Being Health Check

[ad_1] This Emotional Health Check is a simple but effective way for parents to assess whether their child is flourishing. The Emotional Health Check provides pointers to help children become…

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