Healthy Weight Loss Tips – Live Happy, Live Healthy

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Healthy Weight Loss should be the only weight loss you take on.

Fad Diets, Weight Loss Pills, and other Fast Weight Loss deals could just plain and simply hurt you in the long run. Some of the things may even work, but not forever. To achieve healthy weight loss you must make a life time commitment.

Healthy Weight Loss is achieved through a mindset shift, in accepting a new healthier life style you can conquer your internal walls. It does even have to be hard!

When you make the transition into healthy eating and a healthy life style you will automatically become more and more conscious of how you eat. But before you can achieve anything you must first expect it of yourself! Carbohydrates are not evil, Proteins are not the miracle weight loss food group, and fats will not kill you (Well some of them).

The way you must look at healthy weight loss is with a conscious mind and common sense approach. The food pyramid and being told to eat your veggies as a kid were not things said and created just for fun.

The key to a healthy mind, body, and soul is a balanced approach. Out of balance even seemingly “good for you things” will become negative just as to much of any “bad for you things”.

Life is about balance in all areas and even so in your approach towards healthy weight loss.

Check this out. The following are recommended sources that you should get from each food group each day or at least achieve a balance by the end of the week.

*Keep in mind the lower side of the servings is relating towards someone with a 1600 cal daily need where are the highest serving portions are targeted for someone around the 2600 cal needs.

  • Breads, Grains, Oats: You should strive to get 6-11 servings from this group each day. This food group can be anything from rice, bread, and pasta to cold cereals, oatmeal, and cream of wheat.
  • Fruits: Fruits contain many valuable vitamins like vitamin C and A. Making sure to get 2-4 servings a day can be very helpful in boosting immunities and vitality of your body. Plus most fruits vary from quick releasing sugars like Banana’s to slow releasing sugars like Apples. Use fruit in place of candy bars to get you through a tough time, between meals, or when you need a little boost.
  • Veggies: Like fruits your veggies will give you valuable and very necessary vitamins + minerals to help your body rebuild, stay disease free, and balanced. You can also get many antioxidants from eating a variety of raw to lightly cooked veggies. Look to get about 2-5 servings a day and very your veggies. Think of it like this. How many colors of veggies did you eat today? The idea is to get a variety of different colors in there because each may provide an array of different but vital vitamins and minerals.
  • Dairy: OK so some people here develop something know as lactose intolerance which occurs when the body stops producing enough or any lactase which is the protein enzyme capable of breaking down the milk sugar known as lactose. But the idea in drinking dairy is to get a variety of vitamins and minerals like vitamin D and the mineral Calcium. Plus milk is rich in protein which is beneficial to your muscular growth. Also dairy products like cottage cheese and yogurt with active live cultures promote a healthy and balanced digestive system. These live cultures help balance the good bacteria within your intestines which in turn helps digest and break down foods. Try to get 2-3 servings of dairy a day.
  • Meat: Meats supply you with many vital minerals and is the best food group for iron absorption. Also, meats supply complete amino acids which help muscle repair, growth, and enzyme production. Eating meats low in fat like chicken and fish is a better approach than eating a 12 oz steak every night. Also, the portions of meat should be around 3oz each, nothing huge but just the right amount of proteins and minerals. 2-3 Servings a day around 3 oz each is appropriate.
  • Fats: This group is one to be taken sparingly. Now the truth is you need fat in your body. Your brain alone consists of about 60% fatty tissue so wouldn’t it only make sense that your body needs fat to assist brain functions? But which fats? The idea is to supply yourself with fatty acids in the polyunsaturated and monounsaturated area but avoid saturated and trans fats (oxidized fats with no nutritional value) You could live your entire healthy life without ever consuming Saturated fats, you don’t need them. But, you absolutely without a doubt need fats from nuts, fish, and oils like olive oil, flax seed oil, and sunflower oils. These beneficial fats will supply you with crucial omega fatty acids which your body can use for repair and function. I am sure you have seen labels with “essential Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s” Those are the good guys. Saturated and Trans fats are unnecessary and could be avoided altogether, though with that said, with moderation they certainly won’t kill you!

With a journey for healthy weight loss goals are great but what’s best is knowing what your goals are, reminding yourself every day, and doing what it takes in the moment to make the long term adjustment. Some days move slower than others, some days temptation is greater and in some cases you may even indulge. But remember, it’s only right now that you have control over what your actions are. Keep in a conscious state of mind and realize your goals.

The idea here is not to deprive yourself of anything you love but to transition into a variety of things you can enjoy. The better your health, the better you will feel, the more you will want to stick with healthy weight loss.

Before you can achieve any of this, you must first give yourself permission to do what it takes.

A healthy weight loss goal should be 1-2 pounds a week. You can achieve this by figuring out your current calorie needs and then reducing your daily caloric intake to 500-700 less than what you need. In doing so you will create a “calorie deficit” and your body will be forced to use fat tissue as energy but you will not be starving or avoiding things you love.

It is important to note that 1 pound of fat is equal to about 3500 calories, so by reducing your calorie intake by 500 less than your maintenance needs daily, you will create a total deficit of 3500 calories a week and therefore burn 1 pound a week.

Of course by adding fitness you can easily increase calories burned each day while increasing the calorie deficit to advance results.

With a life style approach you will find balance in everything you eat and so even “bad for you things” will not be so bad. You can still enjoy the pleasures of cuisine but eat healthy, fresh fruits, and raw to lightly cooked veggies, more often than sugary sweet and late night take out.


Source by Jason Croxford

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