This article aims to explain the basic physiology of the Colon, Rectum and Anus. The causes of hemorrhoids will be described. Treatment by pharmaceutical drugs and creams will be described. Natural relief from hemorrhoids has been used for many years and some of these will be described.
Basic Physiology Of The Colon, Rectum And Anus
The colon is basically a muscular hollow tube made up of seven parts. The Cecum follows on to the Ascending colon, this in turn goes to the Transverse colon, this in turn goes to the Descending colon. This then forms into the Sigmoid colon then the rectum and then the anal canal (anus).
Rectum: The rectum is a thick muscular tube that starts at the sigmoid colon and ends at the anal canal. The mucous lining of the rectum is basic Epithelium.
Anus: The anal canal is the last part of the digestive tract and is around 1 inch long. The anal canal begins at the rectum and ends at the anus. The anal canal has two bands of muscle the internal anal sphincter near the rectum, and the External anal sphincter at the anus.
Causes Of Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are caused by the swelling and inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins. These veins supply the anal canal. However, the reasons for this swelling of the hemorrhoidal veins is not clear and somewhat anecdotel. Many theories have been made such has straining to have a bowel movement, constipation, and a low fibre diet. Pregnancy is one area where hemorrhoids are common. This is thought to caused by an increased blood flow to the hemorrhoidal veins supplying the anal canal.
Treatment Of Hemorrhoids By Pharmaceuticals
Hydrocortisone Supposiories: These are inserted into the anus (usually after a bowel movement) and relieve the inflammation. Hydrocortisone can cause many side effects, including thinning of the skin.
Proctosedyl: This is an ointment that is inserted into the anus with a perforated nozzle to enable the ointment to reach a large area. Proctosedyl contains hydrocortisone, a local anaesthetic Cinchocaine hydrochloride. Proctosedyl can have side effects including difficulty in breathing, difficulty swallowing, amongst others. There are many Ointments for hemorrhoids most treating the same symptoms of pain, bleeding and inflammation.
Hemorrhoids can, in severe cases, be treated by surgery. This article is not going to describe this.
The Treatment Of Hemorrhoids By Natural Means
Butchers Broom: Ruscus aculeatus helps decrease inflammation and strengthen blood vessels. It is usual o take it as a tea 3 times per day.
Dandelion: Taraxacum officinale when eating either the roots or young leaves acts as a mild laxative. This helps hemorrhoids because has shown earlier constipation may be a precursor to hemorrhoids.
Fluoride of Lime: Calcarea fluorica can be a remedy for bleeding hemorrhoids and skin cracks in the anus.
Ginkgo: Ginkgo biloba helps reduce inflammation and strengthen blood vessels. Ginkgo is usually taken in capsule form.
Horse Chestnut: Aesculus hippocastanum works primarily on the lower bowel and can help with hemorrhoids, pain, and bleeding.
Witch Hazel: Hamamelis virginiana is an astringent and can stop bleeding. This should be applied after each bowel movement, but should not be used internally.
Diet: It has been found that a high fibre diet can help hemorrhoids by reducing constipation and therefore straining for a bowel movement. Blackberries, Blueberries, and Cherries contain high levels of Proanthocyanidin and anthocyanidin and these have been found to help hemorrhoids heal and prevent future ones forming.
It would appear that having a well balanced diet containing whole grains, fruits, and vegetables will lower the chance of constipation, which may in turn reduce the chance of hemorrhoids.
Source by Jeffrey Rossini