How Do You Maintain a Healthy Diet? – Great Resources!

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There is good reason to keep yourself healthy and fit. The number of overweight and obese people in the world is staggering, and it grows daily. Most of us know that being overweight or obese carries a significant risk for serious diseases, including coronary heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Yet despite our knowledge of the health risks, our diets do not seem to change much.

If you, like many others, are asking the common question: how do you maintain a healthy diet, then look no further.

Keep Portions Under Control

You've probably already heard that portion control is critical in maintaining your weight, but it bears repeating. Weight gain occurs when you take in more calories than you burn. It's a simple formula, yet it often gets overlooked. For foodsense in calories, limit your quantities. If you are in a restaurant, eat half of your meal and have the rest wrapped up to go for another meal the next day. Learn to focus on what you are eating so that you do not overeat.

Stick To Whole, Natural Foods

Foods that are not made to last are the best options. When shopping in a grocery store, it's best to choose foods placed along the perimeter of the store, not the center. The foods that are perishable and need refrigeration are usually better for you than the ones with a long shelf-life.

Hydrate Yourself

Water is a key element for weight loss and for keeping your body running smoothly. The proper water intake for an average adult is eight to ten eight-ounce glasses per day. By adhering to this rule, your body will be able to rid itself of impurities and toxins. In addition, when you are properly hydrated, you actually have more energy!

Learn To Love Fruits, Vegetables And Whole Grains

Fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains are healthy in general. Stick to complex carbohydrates, as well as foods high in fiber and low in fat. If you can find organic, local produce you will be stacking the odds for a healthy diet in your favor.

Do not Forget Exercise

A key component of physical well-being is exercise. Without it, your metabolism slows, muscle tone decrees and energy levels plummet. Exercising is also a great way to reduce stress, which is known to increase the risk of being overweight. There are many great exercises to try, but make sure to do a combination of cardiovascular exercise as well as strength training.

Diet Programs

If you already have a few pounds to shed, choose a diet program that suits your needs. Do the research to find one that fits simply into your schedule and lifestyle. If you find a regimen that is easy to stick to, you will increase your chances of success. If you follow the guidelines above, you will no longer need to ask: how do you maintain a healthy diet!


Source by B. Page

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