How Having a Pet Benefits Your Health

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In some cases having a pet in the home can actually help a child from developing some allergies and develop stronger immune systems. When a child is brought up with pets, it is less likely they will develop allergies to animals. As they grow up they will have more self-confidence and a better self-image because of the responsibilities they are given with feeding, caring for and playing with their pets. They will be a more compassionate and caring person.

A pet can help improve your socialization skills as you meet and interact with other pet owners. You may meet others at Training Classes where others are trying to train their pet with the same parenting skills or you may interact with others at a dog park. Pet owners enjoy sharing information about their pets good or bad. So if you are shy, share your pets stories with others and you will find how other pet owners or lover of pets will listen and begin a conversation sharing their information that may be similar or even more hilarious than yours. This is also a good way to meet others of the opposite sex.

The National institute of Health have conducted heart-related studies and the findings show that pet owners had decreased blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels which can minimize the risk of a heart attack. Hugging an animal and even petting them helps calm you. They are warm, soft and responds to your affection which calms your nerves and makes you feel relaxed. Watch fish in an aquarium and you will find peace and serenity as the fish swim silently back and forth up and down. Your anxieties developed during your difficult and busy day will be lessened and you’ll enjoy your evening better with your loved ones and friends.

Dog owners are able to walk, run, jog, bike, hike with their canine friend which are exercises that can help you stay fit. It’s so much better exercising with a friend as a dog or as some people do with their pig, or cat. Have you seen people train their pets ride on their motorcycle or even train them on surfboards? What fine companions that make exercising more fun and the time will go by much quicker.

When you are feeling depressed or lonely, a pet may give you that feeling of joy and happiness especially the sick and elderly. A pet sometimes do funny antics and you’ll have someone to talk to instead of being home alone. You can complain and curse and they won’t walk away from you and tell you to stop complaining. They sit and listen and don’t judge what you are saying. They take away that loneliness because they are faithful and loyal to you always there. Dogs and even some cats are good at keeping you safe as they warn you of intruders and even dangers in the house. Best of all you don’t even have to live in a house and they will still love you.

There are so many reasons pets are useful animals in helping humans remain healthy. So if a person in not already allergic to the pet fur and does not have a pet, go out and adopt a cat, dog, fish, rabbit or whatever animal that may appeal to you. Out there is an animal that may help make you live longer, feel euphoric, and become a better person. There are many animals in the animal shelters that are waiting to be adopted who can help you solve some of your health problems. Go out there today and make a pet happy and yourself healthier.


Source by Joan Togashi

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