How Healthier Homes Are Helping People Improve Their Overall Health

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On average we breath 25,000 times a day which gives us majority of our energy. Having a healthy home involves controlling the population in our environment, keeping a well ventilated area, vacuuming dust particles, dusting, and using disinfectant products. When we choose our cleaning products, we do not give much thought as to what the products contains. Advertisement pushes society to use commercial products which contain lethal chemicals. For example, dish washing liquid is hazardous to use, but it will have a negative effect on the environment. When the dish water flows down the drain the chemicals will produce water quality problems.

Pine-sol, which is a well known house cleaning product, will shock many consumers. But before I get into details about the harmful states I will give an overview about Pine-sol. This product was invented in 1929 by a gentleman named Harry A. Cole. As the first formula hit the market it was pine oil based, but as of 2008 there is only 8-10% pine and the other 90% was classified as “other” ingredients. Over the years the company produced scented versions that do not contain Pine. So lets break this down, there is a products that resides in thousand of home nationwide that contain “other” ingredients. What are these other ingredients and why are the other ingredients being kept a secret?

Take a moment to look on the back label of a Pine Sol:

“Precautionary statement:hazards to human and domestic animals.”

“Caution:may cause eye irritation, avoid contact with eyes”

“First-aid: if in eyes hold eyes open and rise slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes”

“Disposal: do not refill, rise thoroughly and discard in trash or recycle.”

Looking at this information can be overwhelming, but if you know what key words to be aware of, you are one step closer to reducing your home of toxic chemicals. From the safest to most dangerous warning signs for species that have swallowed, inhaled or absorbed the liquid through the skin. “Caution” is compared to an ounce to a pint may be harmful or fatal. The “Warning” label is compared to one teaspoon to one ounce may be harmful or fatal and “Danger” is considered fatal if one taste to one teaspoon is taken. As you can see Pine-Sol has a caution label, but that does not mean this product is safe.

There are millions of chemicals in commercial products, most of which have not been tested for long term health. As for Pine-Sol one of the hazardous chemicals are pesticides. A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended for: preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest. Though often misunderstood to refer only to insecticides, the term pesticide also applies to herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances used to control pests. Isopropyl Alcohol, which is a clear, colorless, flammable, mobile liquid, (CH3)2CHOH, used in antifreeze compounds, in lotions and cosmetics, and as a solvent for gum, shellac, and essential oils, is also found in Pine-Sol. Other ingredients include Sodium Petroleum Sulfanate and Alkyl Alcohol Ethoxylates. With the strength of each chemical, this can cause respiratory problems, skin irritation allergies, and even death.

If a product can cause death why are the other ingredients not listed on the label. Speaking from a companies point of view, I would not want to get my consumers hung up on the fact that there are ingredients that they do not understand. Pine-Sol would get an enormous amount of complaints as to why the average consumer can not read the label. Because consumers are not “drinking” the liquid they can disregard what ingredients the cleaner contains. All consumers want is a products that serves their cleaning purpose, therefore the word other flies by consumers everyday. On the other hand, if the same consumers realized these other ingredients caused internal damage they would be more attentive. For the truth, manufacturers are not required to list all ingredients in a household cleaner. Certain ingredients are considers trade secrets and government regulations. Without full knowledge of the product, consumers can put themselves and well as family in unhealthy situations.

Why should you have a healthy home

1 in every 3 people suffer from allergies, asthma, sinuses and bronchitis therefore protecting your home is a must. We do not want you to have dust on the ceiling fans, or a stack of scum in your bath tub therefore, keeping your home clean will reduce many health problem.

How to keep your Home Healthy

There are several ways to eliminate the amount of toxic products in your home to protect your family. Search for products that are multi-purpose cleaners on a variety of surfaces. Buy the least harmful products available. Read all the key words that are mentioned above. Be sure to wipe spills as they happen to avoid the use of stronger chemicals as the stain settles. Reducing the number of hazardous products will reduce the amount of waste later. Making wise decisions will always create a healthy home, cleaner air and clean water.


Source by Candice Woods

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